diff --git a/i18n/ar.json b/i18n/ar.json index 3caadecc5..5f1b4eef6 100644 --- a/i18n/ar.json +++ b/i18n/ar.json @@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ "goToCloudEditor": "الانتقال الى المحرر السحابي", "goToIoTCloud": "الانتقال الى سحابة الIoT", "goToProfile": "الانتقال الى ملف التعريف الشخصي", - "menuTitle": "Arduino Cloud" + "menuTitle": "الخدمة السحابية للأردوينو" }, "board": { "board": "اللوحة {0}", - "boardConfigDialogTitle": "أختر متحكم و منفذ مختلفين ", + "boardConfigDialogTitle": "اختر لوحة أخرى ومنفذها", "boardInfo": "معلومات اللوحة", - "boards": "المتحكمات", + "boards": "اللوحات", "configDialog1": "اختر لوحة و منفذ معا اذا اردت ان ترفع السكتش", "configDialog2": "اذا قمت باختيار لوحة فقط ستسطيع ان تترجم لكن بدون ان ترفع المشروع", "couldNotFindPreviouslySelected": "تعذر ايجاد اللوحة '{0}' المختارة مسبقا في المنصة المثبتة '{1}' . الرجاء اعادة اختيار اللوحة التي تريد استعمالها يدويا . هل تريد باعادة الاختيار الان؟", @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ "getBoardInfo": "الحصول على معلومات اللوحة", "inSketchbook": "(داخل ملف المشاريع)", "installNow": "نواة \"{0} {1}\" يجب تثبيتها للوحة \"{2}\" التي تم اختيارها . هل تريد تثبيتها الان ؟", - "noBoardsFound": "لا يوجد لوحات ل \"{0}\"", + "noBoardsFound": "لم يتم العثور على لوحة لـ \"{0}\"", "noNativeSerialPort": "منفذ الاتصال التسلسلي الاساسي , تعذر الحصول على معلومات", - "noPortsDiscovered": "تعذر ايجاد منافذ", + "noPortsDiscovered": "لم يتم العثور على منفذ متصل", "nonSerialPort": "منفذ اتصال غير تسلسلي , تعذر الحصول على معلومات", "openBoardsConfig": "قم باختيار لوحة و منفذ مختلفين", "pleasePickBoard": "من فضلك اختر لوحة متصلة على المنفذ الذي اخترته", @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ "installManually": "ثبّت يدويا", "later": "لاحقا", "noBoardSelected": "لم يتم اختيار اي لوحة", - "noSketchOpened": "No sketch opened", + "noSketchOpened": "لم يتم فتح صفحة كتابة الكود", "notConnected": "[غير متصل]", "offlineIndicator": "انت غير متصل بالانترنت على الارجح , بدون الاتصال بالانترنت لن تستطيع واجهة سطر الاوامر الخاصة بالاردوينو \"Arduino CLI\" تحميل الموارد المطلوبة و من الممكن ان تسبب باخطاء , الرجاء الاتصال بالانترنت و اعادة تشغيل البرنامج", "oldFormat": "ال '{0}' ما زالت تستخدم صيغة `.pde` القديمة . هل تريد الانتقال الى صيغة `.ino`  الجديدة ؟", @@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ "processing": "تتم المعالجة", "recommended": "يُنصح به", "retired": "متقاعد", - "selectManually": "Select Manually", + "selectManually": "اختر يدوياً", "selectedOn": "{0} شغّل", "serialMonitor": "مراقب المنفذ التسلسلي \"سيريال بورت\"\n ", "type": "النوع", "unknown": "غير معروف", "updateable": "يمكن تحديثه", - "userAbort": "User abort" + "userAbort": "إلغاء المستخدم" }, "compile": { "error": "خطا في الترجمة : {0}" @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ "debug": { "debugWithMessage": "تصحيح برمجي - {0}", "debuggingNotSupported": "'{0}' لا يقبل التصحيح البرمجي", - "getDebugInfo": "Getting debug info...", + "getDebugInfo": "الحصول على معلومات التصحيح", "noPlatformInstalledFor": "المنصة غير مثبتة ل '{0}'", "optimizeForDebugging": "التحسين من اجل التصحيح البرمجي", "sketchIsNotCompiled": "المشروع '{0}' يجب ان يتم التحقق منه قبل بدء جلسة تصحيح الاخطاء . الرجاء التحقق من المشروع و اعادة تشغيل مصحح الاخطاء مرة اخرى .\nهل تريد التحقق من المشروع الان؟" @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ "cloud.pull.warn": "True اذا كان يجب تحذير المستخدمين قبل سحب مشروع من السحابة . True افتراضيا", "cloud.push.warn": "True اذا كان يجب تحذير المستخدمين قبل دفع مشروع الى السحابة . True افتراضيا", "cloud.pushpublic.warn": "True اذا كان يجب تحذير المستخدمين قبل دفع مشروع عام الى السحابة . True افتراضيا", - "cloud.sharedSpaceId": "The ID of the Arduino Cloud shared space to load the sketchbook from. If empty, your private space is selected.", + "cloud.sharedSpaceId": "معرّف مساحة Arduino Cloud المشتركة لتحميل مجموعة المشاريع منها. إذا تُركت فارغة، يتم اختيار مساحتك الخاصة", "cloud.sketchSyncEndpoint": "الوجهة المستخدمة لدفع و سحب المشاريع من الخلفية . تشير افتراضيا الى Arduino Cloud API.", "compile": "الترجمة", "compile.experimental": "مُفعل اذا وَجَبَ على الIDE التعامل مع عدة اخطاء اثناء الترجمة . غير مفعل بشكل افتراضي ", @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ "invalid.editorFontSize": "حجم خط المحرّر غير صالح . يجب ان يكون عدد موجب", "invalid.sketchbook.location": "موقع ملف المشروع غير صالح : {0}", "invalid.theme": "سمة غير صالحة", - "language.asyncWorkers": "Number of async workers used by the Arduino Language Server (clangd). Background index also uses this many workers. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is 8. When it is 0, the language server uses all available cores. The default value is 0.", + "language.asyncWorkers": "عدد العاملين غير المتزامنين المستخدمين من قبل خادم لغة Arduino (clangd). يستخدم الفهرس الخلفي أيضاً نفس عدد العاملين. الحد الأدنى للقيمة هو 0، والحد الأقصى هو 8. عندما تكون القيمة 0، يستخدم خادم اللغة جميع النوى المتاحة. القيمة الافتراضية هي 0", "language.log": "\"True\" اذا كان مخدم اللغات الخاص بArduino يستطيع توليد سجلات الى ملف المشروع , و الا \"False\", و هي كذلك بشكل افتراضي.", "language.realTimeDiagnostics": "اذا تم تفعيله , سيقوم سيرفر اللغة باعطاء تشخيصات للاخطاء خلال الوقت الحقيقي اثناء الكتابة ضمن المحرر . غير مفعل بشكل افتراضي", "manualProxy": "اعدادات الوكيل يدوياً", @@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ "saveSketchAs": "حفظ ملف المشروع باسم ...", "showFolder": "اعرض ملف المشروع", "sketch": "مشروع", - "sketchAlreadyContainsThisFileError": "The sketch already contains a file named '{0}'", - "sketchAlreadyContainsThisFileMessage": "Failed to save sketch \"{0}\" as \"{1}\". {2}", + "sketchAlreadyContainsThisFileError": "السكيتش يحتوي بالفعل على ملف باسم{0}", + "sketchAlreadyContainsThisFileMessage": "فشل في حفظ السكيتش {0} كـ {1} {2}", "sketchbook": "مجلد المشاريع", "titleLocalSketchbook": "مجلد المشاريع المحلي", "titleSketchbook": "مجلد المشاريع", diff --git a/i18n/be.json b/i18n/be.json index ff3779efb..5122426e6 100644 --- a/i18n/be.json +++ b/i18n/be.json @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ "cloud.pull.warn": "Калі true, карыстальнікі павінны быць папярэджаныя перад стварэннем сцэнара ў воблаку.\nПершапачаткова true.", "cloud.push.warn": "Калі true, карыстальнікі павінны быць папярэджаныя перад запускам сцэнара ў воблаку.\nПершапачаткова true.", "cloud.pushpublic.warn": "Калі true, карыстальнікі павінны быць папярэджаныя перад адпраўкай агульнадаступнага сцэнара ў воблака.\nПершапачаткова true.", - "cloud.sharedSpaceId": "The ID of the Arduino Cloud shared space to load the sketchbook from. If empty, your private space is selected.", + "cloud.sharedSpaceId": "Ідэнтыфікатар агульнай прасторы воблака Arduino, з якога можна загрузіць альбом сцэнараў.\nКалі пустое, абрана вашая асабістая прастора.", "cloud.sketchSyncEndpoint": "Канчатковая кропка, якая ўжываецца для адпраўкі і выцягвання сцэнара з сервернай часткі.\nПершапачаткова яна паказвае на API воблака Arduino.", "compile": "кампіляваць", "compile.experimental": "Калі true, асяроддзе IDE павінна апрацоўваць некалькі памылак кампілятара.\nПершапачаткова false", diff --git a/i18n/cs.json b/i18n/cs.json index 5f66422af..b9902b3fe 100644 --- a/i18n/cs.json +++ b/i18n/cs.json @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ "label": "O {0}" }, "account": { - "goToCloudEditor": "Go to Cloud Editor", + "goToCloudEditor": "Otevřít v cloudovém editoru", "goToIoTCloud": "Go to IoT Cloud", - "goToProfile": "Go to Profile", + "goToProfile": "Jdi do profilu", "menuTitle": "Arduino Cloud" }, "board": { @@ -18,21 +18,21 @@ "configDialog1": "Pokud chcete nahrát sketch, musíte zvolit jak desku tak i port.", "configDialog2": "Pokud zvolíte jen desku, budete schopni kompilovat sketch, ale nebudete ji moci nahrát do desky.", "couldNotFindPreviouslySelected": "Dříve zvolená deska '{0}' v instalované platformě '{1}' nebyla nalezena. Zvolte prosím manuálně desku kterou chcete použít. Chcete tuto desku zvolit nyní? ", - "editBoardsConfig": "Edit Board and Port...", + "editBoardsConfig": "Editovat Desku a Port", "getBoardInfo": "Získat info o desce.", "inSketchbook": "(v projektech)", "installNow": "\"{0}{1}\" jádro musí být instalováno pro aktuálně zvolenou \"{2}\" desku. Chcete ho nyní nainstalovat?", "noBoardsFound": "Nenalezeny žádné desky pro \"{0}\"", - "noNativeSerialPort": "Native serial port, can't obtain info.", + "noNativeSerialPort": "Fyzický sériový port, nemohu získat informace.", "noPortsDiscovered": "Nenalezeny žádné porty", - "nonSerialPort": "Non-serial port, can't obtain info.", + "nonSerialPort": "Nemohu získat informace, tohle není sériový port.", "openBoardsConfig": "Zvolte jinou desku a port...", "pleasePickBoard": "Vyberte prosím desku která je připojená k zvolenému portu. ", "port": "Port {0}", "ports": "porty", "programmer": "Programátor", "reselectLater": "Zvolit později", - "revertBoardsConfig": "Use '{0}' discovered on '{1}'", + "revertBoardsConfig": "Použij '{0}' objeven na '{1}'", "searchBoard": "Vyhledat desku", "selectBoard": "Zvolit desku", "selectPortForInfo": "Prosím zvolte port pro získání informací o desce.", @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ "succesfullyInstalledPlatform": "Platforma {0}:{1} byla úspěšně nainstalována.", "succesfullyUninstalledPlatform": "Platforma {0}:{1} byla úspěšně odinstalována.", "typeOfPorts": "{0}porty", - "unconfirmedBoard": "Unconfirmed board", + "unconfirmedBoard": "Nepotvrzená deska", "unknownBoard": "Neznámá deska" }, "boardsManager": "Manažér desek", @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ }, "cli-error-parser": { "keyboardError": "'Keyboard' nebylo nalezeno. Obsahuje váš projekt řádek '#include '?", - "mouseError": "'Mouse' not found. Does your sketch include the line '#include '?" + "mouseError": "'Myš' nebyla nalezena. Obsahuje váš projekt řádek '#include '?" }, "cloud": { "chooseSketchVisibility": "Zvolte viditelnost sketche:", diff --git a/i18n/ko.json b/i18n/ko.json index ddeae53a9..0ee576675 100644 --- a/i18n/ko.json +++ b/i18n/ko.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "board": { "board": "보드{0}", "boardConfigDialogTitle": "보드 및 포트 선택", - "boardInfo": "보드정보", + "boardInfo": "보드 정보", "boards": "boards", "configDialog1": "스케치를 업로드할 보드 및 포트를 선택", "configDialog2": "보드를 선택하면 컴파일은 가능하지만, 스케치를 업로드 할 수 없습니다.", diff --git a/i18n/sk.json b/i18n/sk.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22babc740 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/sk.json @@ -0,0 +1,552 @@ +{ + "arduino": { + "about": { + "detail": "Version: {0}\nDate: {1}{2}\nCLI Version: {3}\n\n{4}", + "label": "About {0}" + }, + "account": { + "goToCloudEditor": "Go to Cloud Editor", + "goToIoTCloud": "Go to IoT Cloud", + "goToProfile": "Go to Profile", + "menuTitle": "Arduino Cloud" + }, + "board": { + "board": "Board{0}", + "boardConfigDialogTitle": "Select Other Board and Port", + "boardInfo": "Board Info", + "boards": "boards", + "configDialog1": "Select both a Board and a Port if you want to upload a sketch.", + "configDialog2": "If you only select a Board you will be able to compile, but not to upload your sketch.", + "couldNotFindPreviouslySelected": "Could not find previously selected board '{0}' in installed platform '{1}'. Please manually reselect the board you want to use. Do you want to reselect it now?", + "editBoardsConfig": "Edit Board and Port...", + "getBoardInfo": "Get Board Info", + "inSketchbook": " (in Sketchbook)", + "installNow": "The \"{0} {1}\" core has to be installed for the currently selected \"{2}\" board. Do you want to install it now?", + "noBoardsFound": "No boards found for \"{0}\"", + "noNativeSerialPort": "Native serial port, can't obtain info.", + "noPortsDiscovered": "No ports discovered", + "nonSerialPort": "Non-serial port, can't obtain info.", + "openBoardsConfig": "Select other board and port…", + "pleasePickBoard": "Please pick a board connected to the port you have selected.", + "port": "Port{0}", + "ports": "ports", + "programmer": "Programmer", + "reselectLater": "Reselect later", + "revertBoardsConfig": "Use '{0}' discovered on '{1}'", + "searchBoard": "Search board", + "selectBoard": "Select Board", + "selectPortForInfo": "Please select a port to obtain board info.", + "showAllAvailablePorts": "Shows all available ports when enabled", + "showAllPorts": "Show all ports", + "succesfullyInstalledPlatform": "Successfully installed platform {0}:{1}", + "succesfullyUninstalledPlatform": "Successfully uninstalled platform {0}:{1}", + "typeOfPorts": "{0} ports", + "unconfirmedBoard": "Unconfirmed board", + "unknownBoard": "Unknown board" + }, + "boardsManager": "Boards Manager", + "boardsType": { + "arduinoCertified": "Arduino Certified" + }, + "bootloader": { + "burnBootloader": "Burn Bootloader", + "burningBootloader": "Burning bootloader...", + "doneBurningBootloader": "Done burning bootloader." + }, + "burnBootloader": { + "error": "Error while burning the bootloader: {0}" + }, + "certificate": { + "addNew": "Add New", + "addURL": "Add URL to fetch SSL certificate", + "boardAtPort": "{0} at {1}", + "certificatesUploaded": "Certificates uploaded.", + "enterURL": "Enter URL", + "noSupportedBoardConnected": "No supported board connected", + "openContext": "Open context", + "remove": "Remove", + "selectBoard": "Select a board...", + "selectCertificateToUpload": "1. Select certificate to upload", + "selectDestinationBoardToUpload": "2. Select destination board and upload certificate", + "upload": "Upload", + "uploadFailed": "Upload failed. Please try again.", + "uploadRootCertificates": "Upload SSL Root Certificates", + "uploadingCertificates": "Uploading certificates." + }, + "checkForUpdates": { + "checkForUpdates": "Check for Arduino Updates", + "installAll": "Install All", + "noUpdates": "There are no recent updates available.", + "promptUpdateBoards": "Updates are available for some of your boards.", + "promptUpdateLibraries": "Updates are available for some of your libraries.", + "updatingBoards": "Updating boards...", + "updatingLibraries": "Updating libraries..." + }, + "cli-error-parser": { + "keyboardError": "'Keyboard' not found. Does your sketch include the line '#include '?", + "mouseError": "'Mouse' not found. Does your sketch include the line '#include '?" + }, + "cloud": { + "chooseSketchVisibility": "Choose visibility of your Sketch:", + "cloudSketchbook": "Cloud Sketchbook", + "connected": "Connected", + "continue": "Continue", + "donePulling": "Done pulling '{0}'.", + "donePushing": "Done pushing '{0}'.", + "embed": "Embed:", + "emptySketchbook": "Your Sketchbook is empty", + "goToCloud": "Go to Cloud", + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "link": "Link:", + "notYetPulled": "Cannot push to Cloud. It is not yet pulled.", + "offline": "Offline", + "openInCloudEditor": "Open in Cloud Editor", + "options": "Options...", + "privateVisibility": "Private. Only you can view the Sketch.", + "profilePicture": "Profile picture", + "publicVisibility": "Public. Anyone with the link can view the Sketch.", + "pull": "Pull", + "pullFirst": "You have to pull first to be able to push to the Cloud.", + "pullSketch": "Pull Sketch", + "pullSketchMsg": "Pulling this Sketch from the Cloud will overwrite its local version. Are you sure you want to continue?", + "push": "Push", + "pushSketch": "Push Sketch", + "pushSketchMsg": "This is a Public Sketch. Before pushing, make sure any sensitive information is defined in arduino_secrets.h files. You can make a Sketch private from the Share panel.", + "remote": "Remote", + "share": "Share...", + "shareSketch": "Share Sketch", + "showHideSketchbook": "Show/Hide Cloud Sketchbook", + "signIn": "SIGN IN", + "signInToCloud": "Sign in to Arduino Cloud", + "signOut": "Sign Out", + "sync": "Sync", + "syncEditSketches": "Sync and edit your Arduino Cloud Sketches", + "visitArduinoCloud": "Visit Arduino Cloud to create Cloud Sketches." + }, + "cloudSketch": { + "alreadyExists": "Cloud sketch '{0}' already exists.", + "creating": "Creating cloud sketch '{0}'...", + "new": "New Cloud Sketch", + "notFound": "Could not pull the cloud sketch '{0}'. It does not exist.", + "pulling": "Synchronizing sketchbook, pulling '{0}'...", + "pushing": "Synchronizing sketchbook, pushing '{0}'...", + "renaming": "Renaming cloud sketch from '{0}' to '{1}'...", + "synchronizingSketchbook": "Synchronizing sketchbook..." + }, + "common": { + "all": "All", + "contributed": "Contributed", + "installManually": "Install Manually", + "later": "Later", + "noBoardSelected": "No board selected", + "noSketchOpened": "No sketch opened", + "notConnected": "[not connected]", + "offlineIndicator": "You appear to be offline. Without an Internet connection, the Arduino CLI might not be able to download the required resources and could cause malfunction. Please connect to the Internet and restart the application.", + "oldFormat": "The '{0}' still uses the old `.pde` format. Do you want to switch to the new `.ino` extension?", + "partner": "Partner", + "processing": "Processing", + "recommended": "Recommended", + "retired": "Retired", + "selectManually": "Select Manually", + "selectedOn": "on {0}", + "serialMonitor": "Serial Monitor", + "type": "Type", + "unknown": "Unknown", + "updateable": "Updatable", + "userAbort": "User abort" + }, + "compile": { + "error": "Compilation error: {0}" + }, + "component": { + "boardsIncluded": "Boards included in this package:", + "by": "by", + "clickToOpen": "Click to open in browser: {0}", + "filterSearch": "Filter your search...", + "install": "Install", + "installLatest": "Install Latest", + "installVersion": "Install {0}", + "installed": "{0} installed", + "moreInfo": "More info", + "otherVersions": "Other Versions", + "remove": "Remove", + "title": "{0} by {1}", + "uninstall": "Uninstall", + "uninstallMsg": "Do you want to uninstall {0}?", + "update": "Update" + }, + "configuration": { + "cli": { + "inaccessibleDirectory": "Could not access the sketchbook location at '{0}': {1}" + } + }, + "connectionStatus": { + "connectionLost": "Connection lost. Cloud sketch actions and updates won't be available." + }, + "contributions": { + "addFile": "Add File", + "fileAdded": "One file added to the sketch.", + "plotter": { + "couldNotOpen": "Couldn't open serial plotter" + }, + "replaceTitle": "Replace" + }, + "core": { + "compilerWarnings": { + "all": "All", + "default": "Default", + "more": "More", + "none": "None" + } + }, + "coreContribution": { + "copyError": "Copy error messages", + "noBoardSelected": "No board selected. Please select your Arduino board from the Tools > Board menu." + }, + "createCloudCopy": "Push Sketch to Cloud", + "daemon": { + "restart": "Restart Daemon", + "start": "Start Daemon", + "stop": "Stop Daemon" + }, + "debug": { + "debugWithMessage": "Debug - {0}", + "debuggingNotSupported": "Debugging is not supported by '{0}'", + "getDebugInfo": "Getting debug info...", + "noPlatformInstalledFor": "Platform is not installed for '{0}'", + "optimizeForDebugging": "Optimize for Debugging", + "sketchIsNotCompiled": "Sketch '{0}' must be verified before starting a debug session. Please verify the sketch and start debugging again. Do you want to verify the sketch now?" + }, + "developer": { + "clearBoardList": "Clear the Board List History", + "clearBoardsConfig": "Clear the Board and Port Selection", + "dumpBoardList": "Dump the Board List" + }, + "dialog": { + "dontAskAgain": "Don't ask again" + }, + "editor": { + "autoFormat": "Auto Format", + "commentUncomment": "Comment/Uncomment", + "copyForForum": "Copy for Forum (Markdown)", + "decreaseFontSize": "Decrease Font Size", + "decreaseIndent": "Decrease Indent", + "increaseFontSize": "Increase Font Size", + "increaseIndent": "Increase Indent", + "nextError": "Next Error", + "previousError": "Previous Error", + "revealError": "Reveal Error" + }, + "examples": { + "builtInExamples": "Built-in examples", + "couldNotInitializeExamples": "Could not initialize built-in examples.", + "customLibrary": "Examples from Custom Libraries", + "for": "Examples for {0}", + "forAny": "Examples for any board", + "menu": "Examples" + }, + "firmware": { + "checkUpdates": "Check Updates", + "failedInstall": "Installation failed. Please try again.", + "install": "Install", + "installingFirmware": "Installing firmware.", + "overwriteSketch": "Installation will overwrite the Sketch on the board.", + "selectBoard": "Select Board", + "selectVersion": "Select firmware version", + "successfullyInstalled": "Firmware successfully installed.", + "updater": "Firmware Updater" + }, + "help": { + "environment": "Environment", + "faq": "Frequently Asked Questions", + "findInReference": "Find in Reference", + "gettingStarted": "Getting Started", + "keyword": "Type a keyword", + "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", + "reference": "Reference", + "search": "Search on Arduino.cc", + "troubleshooting": "Troubleshooting", + "visit": "Visit Arduino.cc" + }, + "ide-updater": { + "checkForUpdates": "Check for Arduino IDE Updates", + "closeAndInstallButton": "Close and Install", + "closeToInstallNotice": "Close the software and install the update on your machine.", + "downloadButton": "Download", + "downloadingNotice": "Downloading the latest version of the Arduino IDE.", + "errorCheckingForUpdates": "Error while checking for Arduino IDE updates.\n{0}", + "goToDownloadButton": "Go To Download", + "goToDownloadPage": "An update for the Arduino IDE is available, but we're not able to download and install it automatically. Please go to the download page and download the latest version from there.", + "ideUpdaterDialog": "Software Update", + "newVersionAvailable": "A new version of Arduino IDE ({0}) is available for download.", + "noUpdatesAvailable": "There are no recent updates available for the Arduino IDE", + "notNowButton": "Not now", + "skipVersionButton": "Skip Version", + "updateAvailable": "Update Available", + "versionDownloaded": "Arduino IDE {0} has been downloaded." + }, + "installable": { + "libraryInstallFailed": "Failed to install library: '{0}{1}'.", + "platformInstallFailed": "Failed to install platform: '{0}{1}'." + }, + "library": { + "addZip": "Add .ZIP Library...", + "arduinoLibraries": "Arduino libraries", + "contributedLibraries": "Contributed libraries", + "include": "Include Library", + "installAll": "Install All", + "installLibraryDependencies": "Install library dependencies", + "installMissingDependencies": "Would you like to install all the missing dependencies?", + "installOneMissingDependency": "Would you like to install the missing dependency?", + "installWithoutDependencies": "Install without dependencies", + "installedSuccessfully": "Successfully installed library {0}:{1}", + "libraryAlreadyExists": "A library already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?", + "manageLibraries": "Manage Libraries...", + "namedLibraryAlreadyExists": "A library folder named {0} already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?", + "needsMultipleDependencies": "The library {0}:{1} needs some other dependencies currently not installed:", + "needsOneDependency": "The library {0}:{1} needs another dependency currently not installed:", + "overwriteExistingLibrary": "Do you want to overwrite the existing library?", + "successfullyInstalledZipLibrary": "Successfully installed library from {0} archive", + "title": "Library Manager", + "uninstalledSuccessfully": "Successfully uninstalled library {0}:{1}", + "zipLibrary": "Library" + }, + "librarySearchProperty": { + "topic": "Topic" + }, + "libraryTopic": { + "communication": "Communication", + "dataProcessing": "Data Processing", + "dataStorage": "Data Storage", + "deviceControl": "Device Control", + "display": "Display", + "other": "Other", + "sensors": "Sensors", + "signalInputOutput": "Signal Input/Output", + "timing": "Timing", + "uncategorized": "Uncategorized" + }, + "libraryType": { + "installed": "Installed" + }, + "menu": { + "advanced": "Advanced", + "sketch": "Sketch", + "tools": "Tools" + }, + "monitor": { + "alreadyConnectedError": "Could not connect to {0} {1} port. Already connected.", + "baudRate": "{0} baud", + "connectionFailedError": "Could not connect to {0} {1} port.", + "connectionFailedErrorWithDetails": "{0} Could not connect to {1} {2} port.", + "connectionTimeout": "Timeout. The IDE has not received the 'success' message from the monitor after successfully connecting to it", + "missingConfigurationError": "Could not connect to {0} {1} port. The monitor configuration is missing.", + "notConnectedError": "Not connected to {0} {1} port.", + "unableToCloseWebSocket": "Unable to close websocket", + "unableToConnectToWebSocket": "Unable to connect to websocket" + }, + "newCloudSketch": { + "newSketchTitle": "Name of the new Cloud Sketch" + }, + "portProtocol": { + "network": "Network", + "serial": "Serial" + }, + "preferences": { + "additionalManagerURLs": "Additional Boards Manager URLs", + "auth.audience": "The OAuth2 audience.", + "auth.clientID": "The OAuth2 client ID.", + "auth.domain": "The OAuth2 domain.", + "auth.registerUri": "The URI used to register a new user.", + "automatic": "Automatic", + "board.certificates": "List of certificates that can be uploaded to boards", + "browse": "Browse", + "checkForUpdate": "Receive notifications of available updates for the IDE, boards, and libraries. Requires an IDE restart after change. It's true by default.", + "choose": "Choose", + "cli.daemonDebug": "Enable debug logging of the gRPC calls to the Arduino CLI. A restart of the IDE is needed for this setting to take effect. It's false by default.", + "cloud.enabled": "True if the sketch sync functions are enabled. Defaults to true.", + "cloud.pull.warn": "True if users should be warned before pulling a cloud sketch. Defaults to true.", + "cloud.push.warn": "True if users should be warned before pushing a cloud sketch. Defaults to true.", + "cloud.pushpublic.warn": "True if users should be warned before pushing a public sketch to the cloud. Defaults to true.", + "cloud.sharedSpaceId": "The ID of the Arduino Cloud shared space to load the sketchbook from. If empty, your private space is selected.", + "cloud.sketchSyncEndpoint": "The endpoint used to push and pull sketches from a backend. By default it points to Arduino Cloud API.", + "compile": "compile", + "compile.experimental": "True if the IDE should handle multiple compiler errors. False by default", + "compile.revealRange": "Adjusts how compiler errors are revealed in the editor after a failed verify/upload. Possible values: 'auto': Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line. 'center': Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line centered vertically. 'top': Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line close to the top of the viewport, optimized for viewing a code definition. 'centerIfOutsideViewport': Scroll vertically as necessary and reveal a line centered vertically only if it lies outside the viewport. The default value is '{0}'.", + "compile.verbose": "True for verbose compile output. False by default", + "compile.warnings": "Tells gcc which warning level to use. It's 'None' by default", + "compilerWarnings": "Compiler warnings", + "editorFontSize": "Editor font size", + "editorQuickSuggestions": "Editor Quick Suggestions", + "enterAdditionalURLs": "Enter additional URLs, one for each row", + "files.inside.sketches": "Show files inside Sketches", + "ide.updateBaseUrl": "The base URL where to download updates from. Defaults to 'https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-ide'", + "ide.updateChannel": "Release channel to get updated from. 'stable' is the stable release, 'nightly' is the latest development build.", + "interfaceScale": "Interface scale", + "invalid.editorFontSize": "Invalid editor font size. It must be a positive integer.", + "invalid.sketchbook.location": "Invalid sketchbook location: {0}", + "invalid.theme": "Invalid theme.", + "language.asyncWorkers": "Number of async workers used by the Arduino Language Server (clangd). Background index also uses this many workers. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is 8. When it is 0, the language server uses all available cores. The default value is 0.", + "language.log": "True if the Arduino Language Server should generate log files into the sketch folder. Otherwise, false. It's false by default.", + "language.realTimeDiagnostics": "If true, the language server provides real-time diagnostics when typing in the editor. It's false by default.", + "manualProxy": "Manual proxy configuration", + "monitor": { + "dockPanel": "The area of the application shell where the _{0}_ widget will reside. It is either \"bottom\" or \"right\". It defaults to \"{1}\"." + }, + "network": "Network", + "newSketchbookLocation": "Select new sketchbook location", + "noCliConfig": "Could not load the CLI configuration", + "noProxy": "No proxy", + "proxySettings": { + "hostname": "Host name", + "password": "Password", + "port": "Port number", + "username": "Username" + }, + "showVerbose": "Show verbose output during", + "sketch": { + "inoBlueprint": "Absolute filesystem path to the default `.ino` blueprint file. If specified, the content of the blueprint file will be used for every new sketch created by the IDE. The sketches will be generated with the default Arduino content if not specified. Unaccessible blueprint files are ignored. **A restart of the IDE is needed** for this setting to take effect." + }, + "sketchbook.location": "Sketchbook location", + "sketchbook.showAllFiles": "True to show all sketch files inside the sketch. It is false by default.", + "survey.notification": "True if users should be notified if a survey is available. True by default.", + "unofficialBoardSupport": "Click for a list of unofficial board support URLs", + "upload": "upload", + "upload.verbose": "True for verbose upload output. False by default.", + "verifyAfterUpload": "Verify code after upload", + "window.autoScale": "True if the user interface automatically scales with the font size.", + "window.zoomLevel": { + "deprecationMessage": "Deprecated. Use 'window.zoomLevel' instead." + } + }, + "renameCloudSketch": { + "renameSketchTitle": "New name of the Cloud Sketch" + }, + "replaceMsg": "Replace the existing version of {0}?", + "selectZip": "Select a zip file containing the library you'd like to add", + "serial": { + "autoscroll": "Autoscroll", + "carriageReturn": "Carriage Return", + "connecting": "Connecting to '{0}' on '{1}'...", + "message": "Message (Enter to send message to '{0}' on '{1}')", + "newLine": "New Line", + "newLineCarriageReturn": "Both NL & CR", + "noLineEndings": "No Line Ending", + "notConnected": "Not connected. Select a board and a port to connect automatically.", + "openSerialPlotter": "Serial Plotter", + "timestamp": "Timestamp", + "toggleTimestamp": "Toggle Timestamp" + }, + "sketch": { + "archiveSketch": "Archive Sketch", + "cantOpen": "A folder named \"{0}\" already exists. Can't open sketch.", + "compile": "Compiling sketch...", + "configureAndUpload": "Configure and Upload", + "createdArchive": "Created archive '{0}'.", + "doneCompiling": "Done compiling.", + "doneUploading": "Done uploading.", + "editInvalidSketchFolderLocationQuestion": "Do you want to try saving the sketch to a different location?", + "editInvalidSketchFolderQuestion": "Do you want to try saving the sketch with a different name?", + "exportBinary": "Export Compiled Binary", + "invalidCloudSketchName": "The name must start with a letter, number, or underscore, followed by letters, numbers, dashes, dots and underscores. Maximum length is 36 characters.", + "invalidSketchFolderLocationDetails": "You cannot save a sketch into a folder inside itself.", + "invalidSketchFolderLocationMessage": "Invalid sketch folder location: '{0}'", + "invalidSketchFolderNameMessage": "Invalid sketch folder name: '{0}'", + "invalidSketchName": "The name must start with a letter, number, or underscore, followed by letters, numbers, dashes, dots and underscores. Maximum length is 63 characters.", + "moving": "Moving", + "movingMsg": "The file \"{0}\" needs to be inside a sketch folder named \"{1}\".\nCreate this folder, move the file, and continue?", + "new": "New Sketch", + "noTrailingPeriod": "A filename cannot end with a dot", + "openFolder": "Open Folder", + "openRecent": "Open Recent", + "openSketchInNewWindow": "Open Sketch in New Window", + "reservedFilename": "'{0}' is a reserved filename.", + "saveFolderAs": "Save sketch folder as...", + "saveSketch": "Save your sketch to open it again later.", + "saveSketchAs": "Save sketch folder as...", + "showFolder": "Show Sketch Folder", + "sketch": "Sketch", + "sketchAlreadyContainsThisFileError": "The sketch already contains a file named '{0}'", + "sketchAlreadyContainsThisFileMessage": "Failed to save sketch \"{0}\" as \"{1}\". {2}", + "sketchbook": "Sketchbook", + "titleLocalSketchbook": "Local Sketchbook", + "titleSketchbook": "Sketchbook", + "upload": "Upload", + "uploadUsingProgrammer": "Upload Using Programmer", + "uploading": "Uploading...", + "userFieldsNotFoundError": "Can't find user fields for connected board", + "verify": "Verify", + "verifyOrCompile": "Verify/Compile" + }, + "sketchbook": { + "newCloudSketch": "New Cloud Sketch", + "newSketch": "New Sketch" + }, + "survey": { + "answerSurvey": "Answer survey", + "dismissSurvey": "Don't show again", + "surveyMessage": "Please help us improve by answering this super short survey. We value our community and would like to get to know our supporters a little better." + }, + "theme": { + "currentThemeNotFound": "Could not find the currently selected theme: {0}. Arduino IDE has picked a built-in theme compatible with the missing one.", + "dark": "Dark", + "deprecated": "{0} (deprecated)", + "hc": "Dark High Contrast", + "hcLight": "Light High Contrast", + "light": "Light", + "user": "{0} (user)" + }, + "title": { + "cloud": "Cloud" + }, + "updateIndexes": { + "updateIndexes": "Update Indexes", + "updateLibraryIndex": "Update Library Index", + "updatePackageIndex": "Update Package Index" + }, + "upload": { + "error": "{0} error: {1}" + }, + "userFields": { + "cancel": "Cancel", + "enterField": "Enter {0}", + "upload": "Upload" + }, + "validateSketch": { + "abortFixMessage": "The sketch is still invalid. Do you want to fix the remaining problems? By clicking '{0}', a new sketch will open.", + "abortFixTitle": "Invalid sketch", + "renameSketchFileMessage": "The sketch file '{0}' cannot be used. {1} Do you want to rename the sketch file now?", + "renameSketchFileTitle": "Invalid sketch filename", + "renameSketchFolderMessage": "The sketch '{0}' cannot be used. {1} To get rid of this message, rename the sketch. Do you want to rename the sketch now?", + "renameSketchFolderTitle": "Invalid sketch name" + }, + "workspace": { + "alreadyExists": "'{0}' already exists." + } + }, + "theia": { + "core": { + "cannotConnectBackend": "Cannot connect to the backend.", + "cannotConnectDaemon": "Cannot connect to the CLI daemon.", + "couldNotSave": "Could not save the sketch. Please copy your unsaved work into your favorite text editor, and restart the IDE.", + "daemonOffline": "CLI Daemon Offline", + "offline": "Offline", + "offlineText": "Offline", + "quitTitle": "Are you sure you want to quit?" + }, + "editor": { + "unsavedTitle": "Unsaved – {0}" + }, + "messages": { + "collapse": "Collapse", + "expand": "Expand" + }, + "workspace": { + "deleteCloudSketch": "The cloud sketch '{0}' will be permanently deleted from the Arduino servers and the local caches. This action is irreversible. Do you want to delete the current sketch?", + "deleteCurrentSketch": "The sketch '{0}' will be permanently deleted. This action is irreversible. Do you want to delete the current sketch?", + "fileNewName": "Name for new file", + "invalidExtension": ".{0} is not a valid extension", + "newFileName": "New name for file" + } + } +} diff --git a/i18n/zh_TW.json b/i18n/zh_TW.json index 268b010cb..d60681908 100644 --- a/i18n/zh_TW.json +++ b/i18n/zh_TW.json @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ "cloud.pull.warn": "讀取雲端 sketch 前會警告使用者。預設: 開啟。", "cloud.push.warn": "推送雲端 sketch 前會警告使用者。預設: 開啟。", "cloud.pushpublic.warn": "推送公開的 sketch 到雲端前會警告使用者。預設: 開啟。", - "cloud.sharedSpaceId": "The ID of the Arduino Cloud shared space to load the sketchbook from. If empty, your private space is selected.", + "cloud.sharedSpaceId": "用來載入 sketchbook 的 Arduino 雲共享空間帳號。如留白,只會使用您的私人空間。", "cloud.sketchSyncEndpoint": "用來從後台讀取或推送 sketch 的端點。預設: Arduino 雲 API。", "compile": "編譯", "compile.experimental": "IDE 處理多個編譯器錯誤。 預設: 關閉",