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926 lines (787 loc) · 54 KB

File metadata and controls

926 lines (787 loc) · 54 KB




  • debian / ubuntu: apt-get install python3-yaml python3-magic python3-requests python3-click python3-distro python3-psutil python3-pexpect python3-pyftpdlib python3-statsd python3-selenium python3-pip gdb

    the python3-semver on debian is to old - need to use the pip version instead: pip3 install semver beautifultable allure_python_commons certifi tabulate

    Ubuntu 16.40 pip3 system package is broken. Fix like this: dpkg -r python3-pip python3-pexpect python3.8 -m easy_install pip pip install distro semver pexpect psutil beautifultable allure_python_commons certifi

  • centos: yum update ; yum install python3 python3-pyyaml python3-magic python36-PyYAML python3-requests python3-click gcc platform-python-devel python3-distro python3-devel python36-distro python36-click python36-pexpect python3-pexpect python3-pyftpdlib; pip3 install psutil semver beautifultable sudo yum install gdb

  • plain pip: pip3 install psutil pyyaml pexpect requests click semver magic ftplib selenium beautifultable tabulate allure_python_commons certifi or: pip install -r requirements.txt

Mac OS

: brew install libmagic brew install gnu-tar pip3 install click psutil requests pyyaml semver magic pexpect selenium beautifultable tabulate allure_python_commons certifi brew install gdb if python --version is below 3.9 you also have to download ftplib: pip3 install click ftplib

Selenium dependencies


If your system already has a chrome / chromium the chromedriver matching your browser version has to be installed

Typical arguments that may make chrome work:

--selenium Chrome
--selenium-driver-args headless
--selenium-driver-args disable-dev-shm-usage
--selenium-driver-args no-sandbox
--selenium-driver-args remote-debugging-port=9222
--selenium-driver-args start-maximized

Alternatively selenoid may be used using:

--selenium Remote_chrome
--selenium-driver-args "command_executor=

(where would be the real IP of your machine. Please note that you need to launch the selenoid server.)


On Windows we require PYTHONUTF8=1 in the OS-Environment in order to avoid non supported conversions in print statements.

pip install -r requirements.txt

should be used to install the python dependencies.

specifying versions is used for version handling. hence the syntax for versions is:

3.7.1-rc.1+0.501 where 0.501 is the package version that we add in .rpm 3.7.1 will download the final release packages.

Using for release testing is intended to test the flow

  • install package
  • run starter tests
  • uninstall package

This sequence can be broken up by invoking with --mode install and subsequently multiple invokactions with --mode tests. The system can afterwards be cleaned with --mode uninstall. For this, a setting file /tmp/config.yml is kept. This way parts of this flow can be better tuned without the resource intense un/install process.

Supported Parameters:

  • --new-version which Arangodb Version you want to run the test on
  • --[no-]enterprise whether its an enterprise or community package you want to install Specify for enterprise, ommit for community.
  • --[no-]encryption-at-rest turn on encryption at rest for Enterprise packages
  • --create-oneshard-db/--do-not-create-oneshard-db create a single-sharded database and run all makedata tests in it in addition to the _system DB
  • --force-oneshard/--do-not-force-oneshard command ArangoDB to use only single-sharded database
  • --zip switches from system packages to the tar.gz/zip package for the respective platform.
  • --src switches to Source directory logic
  • --package-dir The directory where you downloaded the nsis .exe / deb / rpm [/ dmg WIP]
  • --[no-]interactive (false if not invoked through a tty) whether at some point the execution should be paused for the user to execute manual tests with provided the SUT
  • --[no-]check_locale (true by default) whether the locale should be revalidated
  • --[no-]checkdata (true by default) whether makedata/checkdata should be ran
  • --test-data-dir - the base directory where the tests starter instances should be created in (defaults to /tmp/)
  • --mode [_all_|install|uninstall|tests]
    • all (default) is intended to run the full flow. This is the production flow.
    • install to only install the package onto the system and store its setting to the temp folder (development)
    • tests to read the config file from the temp folder and run the tetss.
    • uninstall to clean up your system.
  • --starter-mode [all|SG|LF|AFO|CL|DC|DCendurance|none] which starter test to exute, all of them or none at all or:
    • SG - Single server - the most simple deployment possible
    • LF - Leader / Follower - setup two single instances, start replication between them
    • AFO - Active Failover - start the agency and servers for active failover, test failovers, leader changes etc.
    • CL - Cluster - start a cluster with 3 agents, 3 db-servers, 3 coordinators. Test stopping one.
    • DC - setup 2 clusters, connect them with arangosync (enterprise only, non-Windows)
    • DCendurance - use DC setup to launch long running arangobenches (not part of all)
  • --test filter for tests of makedata / check data; comma separated list.
  • --publicip the IP of your system - used instead of localhost to compose the interacitve URLs.
  • --verbose if specified more logging is done
  • --selenium - specify the webdriver to be used to work with selenium (if)
  • --selenium-driver-args - arguments to the selenium browser - like headless
  • --alluredir - directory to save test results in allure format (default = allure-results)
  • --clean-alluredir/--do-not-clean-alluredir - clean allure directory before running tests (default = True)
  • --[no-]ssl use SSL (default = False)
  • --[no-]replication2 use replication v.2 if applicable(version must be 3.12.0 or above) (default = False)
  • --use-auto-certs use self-signed SSL certificates (only applicable when using --ssl)
  • --abort-on-error/--do-not-abort-on-error - abort if one of the deployments failed
  • --tarball-limit - limit number of times the test directory can be archived and added to the report, to save disk space during long runs. Default value: -1(unlimited) Example usage:
  • Windows: python ./release_tester/ --new-version 3.6.2 --enterprise --package-dir c:/Users/willi/Downloads
  • Linux (ubuntu|debian) python3 ./release_tester/ --new-version 3.6.2 --no-enterprise --package-dir /home/willi/Downloads
  • Linux (centos|fedora|sles) python3 ./release_tester/ --new-version 3.6.2 --enterprise --package-dir /home/willi/Downloads

Using for upgrade testing is intended to test the flow

  • install old package
  • setup one starter test
  • upgrade package
  • upgrade starter environment
  • run tests

Supported Parameters:

  • --old-version which Arangodb Version you want to install to setup the old system
  • --new-version which Arangodb Version you want to upgrade the environment to
  • --zip switches from system packages to the tar.gz/zip package for the respective platform.
  • --src switches to Source directory logic
  • --[no-]enterprise whether its an enterprise or community package you want to install Specify for enterprise, ommit for community.
  • --[no-]encryption-at-rest turn on encryption at rest for Enterprise packages
  • --create-oneshard-db/--do-not-create-oneshard-db create a single-sharded database and run all makedata tests in it in addition to the _system DB
  • --force-oneshard/--do-not-force-oneshard command ArangoDB to use only single-sharded database
  • --package-dir The directory where you downloaded the nsis .exe / deb / rpm [/ dmg WIP]
  • --[no-]interactive (false if not invoked through a tty) whether at some point the execution should be paused for the user to execute manual tests with provided the SUT
  • --[no-]check_locale (true by default) whether the locale should be revalidated
  • --[no-]checkdata (true by default) whether makedata/checkdata should be ran
  • --test-data-dir - the base directory where the tests starter instances should be created in (defaults to /tmp/)
  • --publicip the IP of your system - used instead of localhost to compose the interacitve URLs.
  • --verbose if specified more logging is done
  • --starter-mode [all|SG|LF|AFO|CL|DC|none] which starter test to exute, all of them or none at all or:
    • SG - Single server - the most simple deployment possible
    • LF - Leader / Follower - setup two single instances, start replication between them
    • AFO - Active Failover - start the agency and servers for active failover, test failovers, leader changes etc.
    • CL - Cluster - start a cluster with 3 agents, 3 db-servers, 3 coordinators. Test stopping one.
    • DC - setup 2 clusters, connect them with arangosync (enterprise only, non Windows and non Mac)
  • --test filter for tests of makedata / check data; comma separated list.
  • --selenium - specify the webdriver to be used to work with selenium (if)
  • --selenium-driver-args - arguments to the selenium browser - like headless
  • --alluredir - directory to save test results in allure format (default = allure-results)
  • --clean-alluredir/--do-not-clean-alluredir - clean allure directory before running tests (default = True)
  • --[no-]ssl use SSL (default = False)
  • --use-auto-certs use self-signed SSL certificates (only applicable when using --ssl)
  • --abort-on-error/--do-not-abort-on-error - abort if one of the deployments failed
  • --tarball-limit - limit number of times the test directory can be archived and added to the report, to save disk space during long runs. Default value: -1(unlimited)

Example usage:

  • Windows: python ./release_tester/ --old-version 3.5.4 --new-version 3.6.2 --enterprise --package-dir c:/Users/willi/Downloads
  • Linux (ubuntu|debian) python3 ./release_tester/ --old-version 3.5.4 --new-version 3.6.2 --enterprise --package-dir /home/willi/Downloads
  • Linux (centos|fedora|sles) python3 ./release_tester/ --old-version 3.5.4 --new-version 3.6.2 --enterprise --package-dir /home/willi/Downloads

Using to run test suites

This entrypoint file is used to run tests that are organized in test suites. Supported Parameters:

  • --include-test-suite Test suite name to include in the test run. Multiple test suites can be ran by providing this parameter multiple times. This parameter cannot be used if --exclude-test-suite is set.
  • --exclude-test-suite Run all test suites except for this one. Multiple test suites can be excluded by providing this parameter multiple times. This parameter cannot be used if --include-test-suite is set.
  • --new-version which Arangodb Version you want to run the test on
  • --old-version old version of ArangoDB to be used in tests where an older version is required.
  • --zip switches from system packages to the tar.gz/zip package for the respective platform.
  • --package-dir The directory where you downloaded the nsis .exe / deb / rpm [/ dmg WIP]
  • --[no-]interactive (false if not invoked through a tty) whether at some point the execution should be paused for the user to execute manual tests with provided the SUT
  • --[no-]check_locale (true by default) whether the locale should be revalidated
  • --[no-]checkdata (true by default) whether makedata/checkdata should be ran
  • --verbose if specified more logging is done
  • --alluredir - directory to save test results in allure format (default = allure-results)
  • --clean-alluredir/--do-not-clean-alluredir - clean allure directory before running tests (default = True)

Example usage:

  • Linux: python3 ./release_tester/ --new-version 3.10.0-nightly --old-version 3.9.1-nightly --verbose --no-enterprise --zip --package-dir /packages --include-test-suite EnterprisePackageInstallationTestSuite

Using for testing of package installation process

To run the tests you need to download older version packages in addition to the version you intend to test. Both Community and Enterprise editions are required. Supported Parameters:

  • --new-version which Arangodb Version you want to run the test on
  • --old-version old version of ArangoDB to be used in tests where an older version is required, e.g. testing that newer debug package cannot be installed over older server package
  • --[no-]enterprise whether its an enterprise or community package you want to install Specify for enterprise, ommit for community.
  • --package-dir The directory where you downloaded the nsis .exe / deb / rpm [/ dmg WIP]
  • --[no-]interactive (false if not invoked through a tty) whether at some point the execution should be paused for the user to execute manual tests with provided the SUT
  • --[no-]check_locale (true by default) whether the locale should be revalidated
  • --[no-]checkdata (true by default) whether makedata/checkdata should be ran
  • --verbose if specified more logging is done
  • --alluredir - directory to save test results in allure format (default = allure-results)
  • --clean-alluredir/--do-not-clean-alluredir - clean allure directory before running tests (default = True)

Using to test the license manager feature

License manager tests are only applicable to enterprise edition. Supported Parameters:

  • --new-version which Arangodb Version you want to run the test on
  • --package-dir The directory where you downloaded the nsis .exe / deb / rpm [/ dmg WIP]
  • --[no-]interactive (false if not invoked through a tty) whether at some point the execution should be paused for the user to execute manual tests with provided the SUT
  • --[no-]check_locale (true by default) whether the locale should be revalidated
  • --[no-]checkdata (true by default) whether makedata/checkdata should be ran
  • --verbose if specified more logging is done
  • --alluredir - directory to save test results in allure format (default = allure-results)
  • --clean-alluredir/--do-not-clean-alluredir - clean allure directory before running tests (default = True)
  • --zip switches from system packages to the tar.gz/zip package for the respective platform.

Example usage:

  • Linux (ubuntu|debian) python3 ./release_tester/ --new-version 3.9.0-nightly --verbose --package-dir /home/vitaly/tmp/packages --zip

using to download packages from stage1/stage2/live can fetch a set of packages for later use with It will detect the platform its working on.

Supported Parameters:

  • --new-version which Arangodb Version you want to run the test on
  • --[no-]enterprise whether its an enterprise or community package you want to install Specify for enterprise, ommit for community.
  • --enterprise-magic specify your secret enterprise download key here.
  • --zip switches from system packages to the tar.gz/zip package for the respective platform.
  • --package-dir The directory where we will download the nsis .exe / deb / rpm [/ dmg WIP] to
  • --source [public|nightlypublic|[ftp|http]:stage1|[ftp|http]:[stage2|stage2-rta]]
    • nightlypublic will download the packages from the nightly builds at
    • public (default) will download the packages from
    • stage1 will download the files from the staging fileserver - level 1 - ftp: internal http external requires credentials
    • stage2 will download the files from the staging fileserver - level 2 - ftp: internal http external requires credentials
    • stage2-rta will download the packages from the pre-release site not intended for the average user.
  • --httpuser username for stage http access
  • --httppassvoid secret for stage http access
  • --verbose if specified more logging is done
  • --force overwrite readily existing downloaded packages
  • --force-arch override the machine architecture of the host; [aarch64, ...]
  • --force-os ['', windows, mac, ubuntu, debian, centos, redhat, alpine], to download the software for another OS than the one you're currently running

example usage: python3 release_tester/ --enterprise \ --new-version '3.7.1-rc.1+0.501' \ --enterprise-magic <enterprisekey> \ --package-dir /home/willi/Downloads/ \ --force \ --source ftp:stage2

using above to upload files to a remote test target uses but will download enterprise and community, plus scp it to a remote host

Supported Parameters (above

  • --push-hosts a : separated tupple consisting of:
    • machine IP to SCP to
    • target_arch[x86_64|aarch64]
    • target_os[centos|debian].
  • --push-user user to connect to remote host. defaults to tester
  • --ssh-key-file ssh key to connect to machine

It is assumed that ssh-agent is utilized for authentification

Using for automated upgrade testing integrates and It will download Enterprise and Community packages, while -nightly will first attempt to resolve the proper version of the nightly package, since -nightly allways is a suffix to the latest released version + 1.

It will then run the mechanic for:

  • enterprise with encryption at rest enabled
  • enterprise
  • community

and create a final report at the end of the run.

The downloading of packages can be circumvented by specifying --source local.

Supported Parameters:

  • --[new|old]-version
    • old: which Arangodb Version you want to install to setup the old system
    • new: which Arangodb Version you want to upgrade the environment to
  • --zip switches from system packages to the tar.gz/zip package for the respective platform.
  • --[no-]enterprise whether its an enterprise or community package you want to install Specify for enterprise, ommit for community.
  • --[no-]encryption-at-rest turn on encryption at rest for Enterprise packages
  • --create-oneshard-db/--do-not-create-oneshard-db create a single-sharded database and run all makedata tests in it in addition to the _system DB
  • --force-oneshard/--do-not-force-oneshard command ArangoDB to use only single-sharded database
  • --package-dir The directory where you downloaded the nsis .exe / deb / rpm [/ dmg WIP]
  • --enterprise-magic specify your secret enterprise download key here.
  • --[new|old]-source [public|nightlypublic|[ftp|http]:stage1|[ftp|http]:[stage2|stage2-rta]]
    • nightlypublic will download the packages from the nightly builds at
    • local no packages will be downloaded at all, but rather are expected to be found in package-dir.
    • public (default) will download the packages from
    • stage1 will download the files from the staging fileserver - level 1 - ftp: internal http external requires credentials
    • stage2 will download the files from the staging fileserver - level 2 - ftp: internal http external requires credentials
    • stage2-rta will download the packages from the pre-release site not intended for the average user.
  • --httpuser username for stage http access
  • --httppassvoid secret for stage http access
  • --force overwrite readily existing downloaded packages
  • --[no-]interactive (false if not invoked through a tty) whether at some point the execution should be paused for the user to execute manual tests with provided the SUT
  • --[no-]check_locale (true by default) whether the locale should be revalidated
  • --[no-]checkdata (true by default) whether makedata/checkdata should be ran
  • --test-data-dir - the base directory where the tests starter instances should be created in (defaults to /tmp/)
  • --publicip the IP of your system - used instead of localhost to compose the interacitve URLs.
  • --verbose if specified more logging is done
  • --starter-mode [all|SG|LF|AFO|CL|DC|none] which starter test to exute, all of them or none at all or:
    • SG - Single server - the most simple deployment possible
    • LF - Leader / Follower - setup two single instances, start replication between them
    • AFO - Active Failover - start the agency and servers for active failover, test failovers, leader changes etc.
    • CL - Cluster - start a cluster with 3 agents, 3 db-servers, 3 coordinators. Test stopping one.
    • DC - setup 2 clusters, connect them with arangosync (enterprise only, non-Windows and non-Mac)
  • edition which type to launch:
    • C community
    • EP enterprise
    • EE enterprise with encryption at rest
    • OS enterprise with forced one shard
  • --test filter for tests of makedata / check data; comma separated list.
  • --selenium - specify the webdriver to be used to work with selenium (if)
  • --selenium-driver-args - arguments to the selenium browser - like headless
  • --alluredir - directory to save test results in allure format (default = allure-results)
  • --clean-alluredir/--do-not-clean-alluredir - clean allure directory before running tests (default = True)
  • --[no-]ssl use SSL (default = False)
  • --use-auto-certs use self-signed SSL certificates (only applicable when using --ssl)
  • --abort-on-error/--do-not-abort-on-error - abort if one of the deployments failed
  • --tarball-limit - limit number of times the test directory can be archived and added to the report, to save disk space during long runs. Default value: -1(unlimited)

Example usage:

  • jenkins/ Download nightly tarball packages, and run it with selenium in containers/docker_tar ubuntu container
  • jenkins/ Download nightly debian packages, and run them with selenium in containers/docker_deb ubuntu container
  • jenkins/ Download nightly redhat packages, and run them with selenium in containers/docker_rpm centos 7 container

Using for automated full release testing integrates, and It will download Enterprise and Community packages, while -nightly will first attempt to resolve the proper version of the nightly package, since -nightly allways is a suffix to the latest released version + 1.

It will then run the mechanic for:

  • enterprise with encryption at rest enabled
  • enterprise
  • community

and create a final report at the end of the run.

The downloading of packages can be circumvented by specifying --source local.

Supported Parameters:

  • --new-version

    • new: This is the to be released version. it will be downloaded from --source.
  • --upgrade-matrix list specify a list of upgrades to run. For all other versions, --other-source will be used to specify the download source. The list is specified in the format of: (without blanks) first-From : first-To ; second-From : second-To

  • --test/--no-test specify whether to run clean installation tests on the new version(default = True)

  • --zip switches from system packages to the tar.gz/zip package for the respective platform.

  • --package-dir The directory where you downloaded the nsis .exe / deb / rpm [/ dmg WIP]

  • --enterprise-magic specify your secret enterprise download key here.

  • --[other]-source [public|nightlypublic|[ftp|http]:stage1|[ftp|http]:[stage2|stage2-rta]]

    • nightlypublic will download the packages from the nightly builds at
    • local no packages will be downloaded at all, but rather are expected to be found in package-dir.
    • public (default) will download the packages from
    • stage1 will download the files from the staging fileserver - level 1 - ftp: internal http external requires credentials
    • stage2 will download the files from the staging fileserver - level 2 - ftp: internal http external requires credentials
    • stage2-rta will download the packages from the pre-release site not intended for the average user.
  • --httpuser username for stage http access

  • --httppassvoid secret for stage http access

  • --force overwrite readily existing downloaded packages

  • --test-data-dir - the base directory where the tests starter instances should be created in (defaults to /tmp/)

  • --publicip the IP of your system - used instead of localhost to compose the interacitve URLs.

  • --verbose if specified more logging is done

  • --starter-mode [all|SG|LF|AFO|CL|DC|none] which starter test to exute, all of them or none at all or:

    • SG - Single server - the most simple deployment possible
    • LF - Leader / Follower - setup two single instances, start replication between them
    • AFO - Active Failover - start the agency and servers for active failover, test failovers, leader changes etc.
    • CL - Cluster - start a cluster with 3 agents, 3 db-servers, 3 coordinators. Test stopping one.
    • DC - setup 2 clusters, connect them with arangosync (enterprise only, non-Windows, upgrade non Mac)
  • edition which type to launch:

    • C community
    • EP enterprise
    • EE enterprise with encryption at rest
    • OS enterprise with forced one shard
  • --test filter for tests of makedata / check data; comma separated list.

  • --selenium - specify the webdriver to be used to work with selenium (if)

  • --selenium-driver-args - arguments to the selenium browser - like headless

  • --alluredir - directory to save test results in allure format (default = allure-results)

  • --clean-alluredir/--do-not-clean-alluredir - clean allure directory before running tests (default = True)

  • --[no-]ssl use SSL (default = False)

  • --use-auto-certs use self-signed SSL certificates (only applicable when using --ssl)

  • --abort-on-error/--do-not-abort-on-error - abort if one of the deployments failed

  • --run-test-suites/--do-not-run-test-suites - run test suites for each version pair (default = True) Example usage:

  • jenkins/ Download nightly tarball packages, and run it with selenium in containers/docker_tar ubuntu container

  • jenkins/ Download nightly debian packages, and run them with selenium in containers/docker_deb ubuntu container

  • jenkins/ Download nightly redhat packages, and run them with selenium in containers/docker_rpm centos 7 container

Using for automated mixed source & zip testing integrates, and It intends to use a source built to upgrade from/to. Hence we cannot switch between community & enterprise. Thus it requires --edition C to be specified switch between Enterprise and community setups. It will download tar/zip packages, while -nightly will first attempt to resolve the proper version of the nightly package, since -nightly allways is a suffix to the latest released version + 1.

The BASE_DIR environment variable is meant to be specified by oskar to find the oskar typical directory structure in there.

It will then run the and mechanic for either:

  • enterprise with encryption at rest enabled
  • enterprise or:
  • community

and create a final report at the end of the run.

The downloading of packages can be circumvented by specifying --source local.

Supported Parameters:

  • --new-version
    • new: This is the to be released version. it will be downloaded from --source.
  • --upgrade-matrix list specify a list of upgrades to run. For all other versions, --other-source will be used to specify the download source. The list is specified in the format of: (without blanks) first-From : first-To ; second-From : second-To
  • --test/--no-test specify whether to run clean installation tests on the new version(default = False)
  • --zip switches from system packages to the tar.gz/zip package for the respective platform.
  • --package-dir The directory where you downloaded the nsis .exe / deb / rpm [/ dmg WIP]
  • --enterprise-magic specify your secret enterprise download key here.
  • --[other]-source [public|nightlypublic|[ftp|http]:stage1|[ftp|http]:[stage2|stage2-rta]]
    • nightlypublic will download the packages from the nightly builds at
    • local no packages will be downloaded at all, but rather are expected to be found in package-dir.
    • public (default) will download the packages from
    • stage1 will download the files from the staging fileserver - level 1 - ftp: internal http external requires credentials
    • stage2 will download the files from the staging fileserver - level 2 - ftp: internal http external requires credentials
    • stage2-rta will download the packages from the pre-release site not intended for the average user.
  • --httpuser username for stage http access
  • --httppassvoid secret for stage http access
  • --force overwrite readily existing downloaded packages
  • --test-data-dir - the base directory where the tests starter instances should be created in (defaults to /tmp/)
  • --publicip the IP of your system - used instead of localhost to compose the interacitve URLs.
  • --verbose if specified more logging is done
  • --starter-mode [all|SG|LF|AFO|CL|DC|none] which starter test to exute, all of them or none at all or:
    • SG - Single server - the most simple deployment possible
    • LF - Leader / Follower - setup two single instances, start replication between them
    • AFO - Active Failover - start the agency and servers for active failover, test failovers, leader changes etc.
    • CL - Cluster - start a cluster with 3 agents, 3 db-servers, 3 coordinators. Test stopping one.
    • DC - setup 2 clusters, connect them with arangosync (enterprise only, non-Windows, upgrade non Mac)
  • edition which type to launch:
    • C community
    • EP enterprise
    • EE enterprise with encryption at rest
    • OS enterprise with forced one shard
  • --test filter for tests of makedata / check data; comma separated list.
  • --selenium - specify the webdriver to be used to work with selenium (if)
  • --selenium-driver-args - arguments to the selenium browser - like headless
  • --alluredir - directory to save test results in allure format (default = allure-results)
  • --clean-alluredir/--do-not-clean-alluredir - clean allure directory before running tests (default = True)
  • --[no-]ssl use SSL (default = False)
  • --use-auto-certs use self-signed SSL certificates (only applicable when using --ssl)
  • --abort-on-error/--do-not-abort-on-error - abort if one of the deployments failed
  • --run-test-suites/--do-not-run-test-suites - run test suites for each version pair (default = False)

Example usage:

export BASE_DIR=/home/willi/src/develc/release-test-automation
./release_tester/ --new-version 3.12.0 --upgrade-matrix '3.11.0-nightly:3.12.0-src' --starter-mode SG

Using to clean out the system will try to invoke all known cleanup mechanisms, to bring your system as much as possible into a 'pure' state.

  • --zip switches from system packages to the tar.gz/zip package for the cleanup.

Using deployment scripts to install all the necessary dependency packages for testsystems

The scripts in the deployment directory will try to install all the required pacakges to a new/fresh machine in order to run release-test-automation tests.

binaries strip cheking

  • Linux (ubuntu|debian|centos|fedora|sles)[deb|rpm|tar.gz] full support.
  • Mac [dmg|tar.gz] support through resource intense copy & compare; GO binaries such as arangodb and arangosync are assumed not to be stripped, since the mac strip command will fail for them.
  • Windows no supported yet.

Source distribution

  • release_tester/ - download packages via our various distribution routes, push to remote SUTs via scp

  • release_tester/ - download packages via our various distribution routes

  • release_tester/[full_|mixed_|][download_][upgrade|&test].py - main entrypoints to the process flow, download, install, run test, uninstall, cleanup

  • release_tester/ dispatcher from the entrypoints in the different testparts, after download took place.

  • release_tester/ commandline options used by more than one entrypoint script

  • release_tester/ - remove files and installed packages etc.

  • release_tester/ shared with Oskar, manages SUT capacity for timeouts etc.

  • release_tester/installers/[base|nsis|tar|linux|deb|rpm|mac].py distribution / OS specific [un]installation/upgrade automation

    • Configuration objects
      • Hot backup / rclone configurations
      • InstallerConfig contains system / installation components as versions etc.
      • RunProperties runner specific configurations
      • EXECUTION_PLAN pre-defined list of things to test during the full automatic release flow
      • InstallerBaseConfig simple config to bootstrap an installer
    • binary validation and description code, (windows specific parts)
    • InstallerBase:
      • meta class for installers
      • shared code containing the list of binaries to be found
      • shared control code to revalidate binaries to be installed
      • code do decypher versions of binaries InstallerArchive shared base class for zip/tar/source installers
  • release_tester/arangodb/agency.pycode to manipulate the agency

  • release_tester/arangodb/

    • manage arangosync & arangod instances.
    • detects their operation mode (Running, stopped, crashed, manually started/stopped)
    • Contains Blacklists to ignore while scanning logfiles for errors.
  • release_tester/arangodb/ manages subrocess execution; shared between rta/oskar/circle-ci provides the ability to portabily capture log output

  • release_tester/arangodb/ launch an arangosh with javascript snippets against the starter installation, rta-makedata, testing.js style

  • release_tester/arangodb/ manage arangosync invocations

  • release_tester/arangodb/ manage arangobackup invocations

  • release_tester/arangodb/starter/ manage one starter instance and get information about its launched processes

  • release_tester/arangodb/starter/deployments/[runner|leaderfolower|activefailover|cluster|cluster_perf|dc2dc|dc2dcendurance].py set up one of [Leader/Follower | Active Failover | Cluster Cluster_Perf | DC2DC | DCendurance]

      • runner types / starter modes text vs. enum
      • basic runner spawning code
      • RunnerProperties settings specific to the to be spawned runner, like SUT requirements
      • Runner base class for runners, application flow, lots of hooks, tool methods
  • release_tester/arangodb/stress tools to stress the SUT by launching multiple parallel configureable subjobs Orchestrated by release_tester/arangodb/starter/deployments/ and scenarios/.

    • launch arangorestore jobs
    • launch (multiple) rta-makedatas
    • launch (multiple) arangosh with various to be specified scripts
    • launch arangodump.
  • release_tester/tools several utility functions

  • test_data - UI related test data

  • rta_makedata - the famous makedata suite as reference

  • attic_snippets - trial and error scripts of start phase, utility functions like killall for mac/windows for manual invocation

  • containers/ the source Dockerfiles of various docker containers

  • jenkins/ push one set of [amd64|arm64-v8] containers

  • jenkins/ join above containers

  • jenkins/nightly*.sh, jenkins/ entrypoint scripts to be invoked from jenkins or manual

    • will evaluate *VERSION* environment variables as default
    • will pass $@ into the rta invocation inside the docker contanier
    • will basically consist of invoking common snippets, only docker launches will be individual in here
  • jenkins/common - snippet parts used by the various entry point scripts; sourced by the "host"-script to have variable back/forwards passing, which isn't better possible in bash

    • common variables shared among these scripts:
      • TRAP_COMMAND array to push commands to that will be invoked by trap at the end of the script
      • DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME the network to be shared amongst the various containers
      • DOCKER_ARGS- the (common) arguments to the to be launched docker test-container
      • RTA_ARGS - array of arguments to be passed to the rta-invocation
    • - common environment variable parsing setting
    • - common matrix environment variable parsing setting
    • - configure mountpoints etc. for the SUT-container, setup networks etc.
    • - make sure files and /proc are properly configured
    • - launch the selenoid containers if --selenium.* in $@
    • - whether force should be applied
    • - checkout submodules and enterprise closed parts (in able)
    • - launch the s3 lookalike minio container
    • - set the exit-trap for cleanup with all registered arguments /now tests will be executed/
    • - de-root-ify all files
    • - check for crashes, zip files
    • - make sure we can launch docker contaniers properly

Hot backup settings

During the test scenarios hot backups will be created/restored and uploaded/downloaded to/from an external storage using the bundled rclone. RTA supports different types of external storage. By default the backups will be just copied to another directory using rclone. Other options include running minio(S3-compatible open-source storage) locally and uploading backups to a real cloud provider. This is controlled using the following command line parameters:

  • --hb-mode - Hot backup mode. Possible values: disabled, directory, s3bucket, googleCloudStorage, azureBlobStorage.
  • --hb-provider - Cloud storage provider. Possible values for s3bucket: minio, aws, gce, azure.
  • --hb-storage-path-prefix - Subdirectory to store hot backups in cloud.
  • --hb-aws-access-key-id [env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID] - AWS access key id
  • --hb-aws-secret-access-key [env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] - AWS secret access key
  • --hb-aws-region [env AWS_REGION] - AWS region
  • --hb-aws-acl [env AWS_ACL] - AWS ACL (default value: private)
  • --hb-gce-service-account-credentials - GCE service account credentials(JSON string).
  • --hb-gce-service-account-file - Path to a JSON file containing GCE service account credentials.
  • --hb-gce-project-number - GCE project ID.
  • --hb-azure-account - Azure storage account.
  • --hb-azure-key - Azure storage account access key.
  • --hb-use-cloud-preset (string) - Load saved hotbackup settings. To use this, create a file release_tester/tools/external_helpers/ Inside this file define dict variables. The name of the variable is the name of the preset. The dict must contain all the hb parameters. If --hb-use-cloud-preset is set, then all other parameters which names start with hb- are ignored. Example of
aws = {
    "hb_storage_path_prefix": "/path/inside/bucket",
    "hb_mode": "s3bucket",
    "hb_provider": "aws",
    "hb_aws_access_key_id": "SECRET_KEY",
    "hb_aws_secret_access_key": "ACCESS_KEY",
    "hb_aws_region": "eu-central-1",
    "hb_aws_acl": "private",

Each cloud storage may also have some specific configuration parameters, which must be set as environment variables.

Flow of testcases

The base flow lives in; special deployment specific implementations in the respective derivates. The Flow is as follows:

prepare and setup abstractions, starter managers, create certificates, ec. [starter_prepare_env[_impl]]
launch all the actual starter instances, wait for them to become alive [starter_run[_impl]]
finalize the setup like start sync'ing [finish_setup[_impl]]
[makedata check]
=> ask user to inspect the installation
if HotBackup capable:
  create backup
  create data, that will be gone after restoring
  list backups
  upload backup
  delete backup
  list backup to revalidate there is none
  restore backup
  create non-backup data again
if Update:
  manage packages (uninstall debug, install new, install new debug, test debug)
  upgrade the starter environment [upgrade_arangod_version[_impl]]
  [makedata check] after upgrade
  if Hotbackup capable:
    list backups
    upload backup once more
    delete backup
    list & check its empty
    restore the backup
    validate post-backup data is gone again
  [makedata check]
test the setup [test_setup[_impl]]
[makedata check]
try to jam the setup [jam_setup[_impl]]
[makedata check]
shutdown the setup
uninstall packages


create most of the flow of i.e. in a portable way. arangosync

Selenium UI testing


Launching selemium wich browser in UI mode is more easy with the zip/tar packages, since they don't require privileges to run, hence just the users regular session can be used.

  • launch a SUT using i.e. ./release_tester/ --no-enterprise --new-version 3.8.0-nightly --package-dir /home/willi/Downloads/ --zip --interactive --starter-mode CL - let it running at that state.
  • edit scripts use ./release_tester/ --old-version 3.8.0-nightly --new-version 3.9.0-nightly --selenium Chrome --starter-mode CL --zip to check them against the instance running on the same machine.

once the scriptlet does what you want, you can use commands like this to run the test:

  • ./release_tester/ --new-version 3.8.0-nightly --zip --no-interactive --starter-mode CL --selenium Chrome


Using for performance testing is intended to test the flow

  • install package (optional)
  • run starter cluster (optional)
  • run
  • uninstall package (optional)

This sequence can be broken up by invoking with --mode install and subsequently multiple invokactions with --mode tests. The system can afterwards be cleaned with --mode uninstall. For this, a setting file /tmp/config.yml is kept. This way parts of this flow can be better tuned without the resource intense un/install process.

Supported Parameters:

  • --new-version which Arangodb Version you want to run the test on

  • --[no-]enterprise whether its an enterprise or community package you want to install Specify for enterprise, ommit for community.

  • --[no-]encryption-at-rest turn on encryption at rest for Enterprise packages

  • --zip switches from system packages to the tar.gz/zip package for the respective platform.

  • --package-dir The directory where you downloaded the nsis .exe / deb / rpm [/ dmg WIP]

  • --[no-]interactive (false if not invoked through a tty) whether at some point the execution should be paused for the user to execute manual tests with provided the SUT

  • --[no-]check_locale (true by default) whether the locale should be revalidated

  • --[no-]checkdata (true by default) whether makedata/checkdata should be ran

  • --test-data-dir - the base directory where the tests starter instances should be created in (defaults to /tmp/)

  • --mode [_all_|install|uninstall|tests]

    • all (default) is intended to run the full flow. This is the production flow.
    • install to only install the package onto the system and store its setting to the temp folder (development)
    • tests to read the config file from the temp folder and run the tetss.
    • uninstall to clean up your system.
  • --starter-mode [none] not used atm. only cluster_perf is used.

  • --publicip the IP of your system - used instead of localhost to compose the interacitve URLs.

  • --verbose if specified more logging is done

  • --scenario a Yaml file containing the setup of the makedata injector

  • --frontends may be specified several times, disables launchin own cluster instance. Configures remote instances instead.

Example usage:

  • run against self started instance: python3 release_tester/ --new-version 3.7.3 --enterprise --package-dir /home/willi/Downloads --zip --verbose --interactive --mode tests --scenario scenarios/c_cluster_x3.yml
  • run against remote instance: python3 release_tester/ --new-version 3.7.3 --enterprise --package-dir /home/willi/Downloads --zip --verbose --interactive --mode tests --scenario scenarios/c_cluster_x3.yml --frontends tcp:// --frontends tcp:// --frontends tcp://

scenario yml file

They are kept in scenarios/.

collection_multiplier: 1
data_multiplier: 4
db_count: 100
db_count_chunks: 10
max_replication_factor: 3
min_replication_factor: 2
parallelity: 9
launch_delay: 9.7
db_offset: 0
single_shard: false
  • collection_multiplier: how many more times should we create collections?
  • data_multiplier: how many more times should we create data inside the database?
  • db_count: how many databases should this instance of the test create
  • db_count_chunks: how many chunks of db_count do we want to create?
  • db_offset: should we start counting the database name at an offset?
  • single_shard: whether this is going to be a single shard or multi shard test
  • max_replication_factor: collections will have no more than this many shards
  • min_replication_factor: collections will have no less than this many shards
  • parallelity: how many parallel arangosh instances creating data should be spawned
  • launch_delay: wait this many seconds between launching two arangoshs to create an offset

statsd integration

makedata values are pushed via statsd client via to prometheus. adds the python3-statsd dependency.

connect statsd to prometheus:

  - job_name: statsd
    scrape_interval: 1s
    metrics_path: /metrics
    # bearer_token_file: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.token
    - targets: ['localhost:9102']

Run the statsd exporter:

./statsd_exporter --statsd.listen-udp=:8125 --statsd.listen-tcp=:8125

launching the tests

Running a full test with launching the system, waiting before the loadtest starts:

python3 release_tester/ --new-version 3.7.3 \
                               --enterprise \
                               --package-dir /home/willi/Downloads \
                               --zip \
                               --test-data-dir /tmp/ \
                               --verbose \

Running perf with a remote test system:

python3 release_tester/ --new-version 3.7.3
                               --enterprise \
                               --package-dir /home/willi/Downloads \
                               --zip \
                               --frontends tcp:// \
                               --frontends tcp:// \
                               --frontends tcp:// \
                               --mode tests \
                               --verbose \
                               --scenario scenarios/cluster_replicated.yml

docker container

We will build a the docker container based on the latest public enterprise docker container:

docker build . -t test

The purpose of the derived container is to ship the arangosh to run the tests in.

Running the docker container, parametrizing the connection endpoints of the cluster:

docker run test:latest --frontends tcp:// \
                       --frontends tcp:// \
                       --frontends tcp:// \
                       --scenario scenarios/cluster_replicated.yml

nightly tar docker container

This container is intended to test the nightly tar packages whether starter deployment upgrades are working properly.

Build the container for later use with:

docker build docker_tar/ -t arangodb/release-test-automation

Run the container from within the office network; DNS lookup outside of the docker container:

docker run \
  -v `pwd`:/home/release-test-automation \
  -v /home/willi/Downloads/:/home/package_cache \
  -v /tmp/versions:/home/versions \
  --init \
  arangodb/release-test-automation \
   --old-version 3.7.7-nightly \
   --new-version 3.8.0-nightly \
   --remote-host $(host |sed "s;.* ;;")

Run the container from abroad:

docker run  \
  -v `pwd`:/home/release-test-automation \
  -v /home/willi/Downloads/:/home/package_cache \
  -v /tmp/versions:/home/versions \
  --init \
  arangodb/release-test-automation \
    --old-version 3.7.7-nightly --new-version 3.8.0-nightly \
    --source http:stage2 --httpuser user --httppassvoid passvoid

Wikipedia dump tests

These tests use the CSV data from the wikip

Allure reporting

To view allure report, you must have allure installed in your system. Download link(for Linux):

After the test run is finished, run the following command:

allure serve [results_dir]

Default results dir: allure_results This will open a browser with the test report.

Maintaining code quality


We use Black Formatter. To apply formatting to the code simply run black . in the project root dir.
Formatter settings are stored in pyproject.toml file. To switch formatting off for a code block, start it with # fmt: off and end with # fmt: on.
To disable formatting for single line, end it with # fmt: on.


We use pylint. Command to run it: pylint release_tester

Pre-commit hooks

We have pre-commit hooks to enforce the use of linter and formatter. The hooks are managed using the pre-commit tool. The configuration is stored in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file.
To install pre-commit hooks:

  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run pre-commit install

Now, each time you run git commit, the linter and formatter will be ran automatically. The hooks will prevent you from commiting code if the changed files have any unresolved issues found by the linter.
If the formatter changed anything in the files staged for commit, the hook will also not commit anything. You should review changes made by the formatter, stage them by running git add and run git commit again.

source "Installer"

In RTA an "installer" makes the ArangoDB version available in the system. By default, the native installer to the system is chosen. With --zip the Windows Zip or Mac/Linux .tar.gz package is chosen. Similar to this --src flips the switch of not deploying a package via an installer at all, but rather choose a source directory with compiled binaries to launch. The source directory (directories in case of running upgrade) should contain build/bin with the compiled result binaries inside.

Several binaries are not built from with the arangodb source. They have to be added as copy or symlink to the bin directory. They can easily be obtained through nightly zip/tar packages or be build from their respective source directories and symlinked into the build/bin directories:

  • arangodb - the starter.
  • arangosync - the arangosync binary for dc2dc replication
  • rclone-arangodb

The source directory is located via 3 parameters (and if build/bin exists chosen accordingly):

  • --package-dir - in this can be used to directly point to the source directory. Alternatively, subdirectories with symlinks can be used:
  • --new-version if you specify 3.10.0-devel (a semver valid version) (and --[no-]enterprise) this will result in this directory: [package-dir]/[E_]3.10.0-devel
  • --old-version in this is used for the old version to upgrade from, works similar as --new-version.

If --enterprise is specfied, RTA treats this as an enterprise deployment, HotBackup and DC2DC becomes available. Additionally the enterprise javascript files are added via cli parameters to arangosh and arangod / starter.

./release_tester/ --src \
  --enterprise \
  --package-dir ../devel \
  --new-version 3.10.0-devel \
  --starter-mode DC

or running an upgrade: (To adjust this a bit strict directory naming conventions, symbolic links are used)

mkdir arangoversions
cd arangoversions
ln -s /home/willi/src/stable-3.9 E_3.9.0
ln -s /home/willi/src/devel E_3.10.0-devel
cd ..
./release_tester/ --src \
  --enterprise \
  --package-dir $(pwd)/arangoversions \
  --new-version 3.10.0-devel \
  --old-version 3.9.0 \
  --starter-mode DC

Will search for /home/willi/src/rta/arangoversions/E_3.9.0/build/bin to launch the deployment initially, and upgrade to /home/willi/src/rta/arangoversions/E_3.10.0-devel/build/bin.