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Practical Vector Search: NeurIPS 2023 Competition

Table Of Contents


The Practical Vector Search challenge at NeurIPS 2023 has four different tasks:

Task Filters: This task will use the YFCC 100M dataset. We use 10M random images from YFCC100M, for which we extract CLIP embeddings. In addition, we associate to each image a "bag" of tags: words extracted from the description, the camera model, the year the picture was taken and the country. The tags are from a vocabulary of 200386 possible tags. The 100,000 queries consist of one image embedding and one or two tags that must appear in the database elements to be considered.

Task Streaming: This task uses 10M slice of the MS Turing data set released in the previous challenge. The index starts with zero points and must implement the "runbook" provided - a sequence of insertion operations, deletion operations, and search commands (roughly 4:4:1 ratio) - within a time bound of 1 hour and a DRAM limit of 8GB. Entries will be ranked by average recall over queries at all check points. The intention is for the algorithm to process the operations and maintain a compact index over the active points rather than index the entire anticipated set of points and use tombstones or flags to mark active elements. In the final run, we will use a different runbook, and possibly a different data set, to avoid participants over-fitting to this dataset. The final run will use msturing-30M-clustered, a 30M slice of the MSTuring dataset, and the final_runbook.yaml runbook generated with the script.

Task Out-Of-Distribution: Yandex Text-to-Image 10M represents a cross-modal dataset where the database and query vectors have different distributions in the shared vector space. The base set is a 10M subset of the Yandex visual search database of 200-dimensional image embeddings which are produced with the Se-ResNext-101 model. The query embeddings correspond to the user-specified textual search queries. The text embeddings are extracted with a variant of the DSSM model.

Task Sparse: This task is based on the common MSMARCO passage retrieval dataset, which has 8,841,823 text passages, encoded into sparse vectors using the SPLADE model. The vectors have a large dimension (less than 100,000), but each vector in the base dataset has an average of approximately 120 nonzero elements. The query set comprises of 6,980 text queries, embedded by the same SPLADE model. The average number of nonzero elements in the query set is approximately 49 (since text queries are generally shorter). Given a sparse query vector, the index should return the top-k results according to the maximal inner product between the vectors.

Build time limit

For tasks "Filters", "Out-of-Distribution", and "Sparse", the index has to be build within 12 hours on the evaluation machine specified below.


The baselines were run on an Azure Standard D8lds v5 (8 vcpus, 16 GiB memory) machine. The CPU model is Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8370C CPU @ 2.80GHz.

Task Baseline Highest QPS with 90% recall Command
Sparse Linear Scan 101 python3 --dataset sparse-full --algorithm linscan --neurips23track sparse
Filter faiss 3200 python3 --dataset yfcc-10M --algorithm faiss --neurips23track filter
Streaming DiskANN 0.924 (recall@10), 23 mins python3 --dataset msturing-10M-clustered --algorithm diskann --neurips23track streaming --runbook_path neurips23/streaming/delete_runbook.yaml
Streaming DiskANN 0.883 (recall@10), 45 mins python3 --dataset msturing-30M-clustered --algorithm diskann --neurips23track streaming --runbook_path neurips23/streaming/final_runbook.yaml
OOD DiskANN 4882 python3 --dataset text2image-10M --algorithm diskann --neurips23track ood


Participants must submit their implementation via a pull request. Optionally, participants can provide uploaded index file(s) (one per participating dataset).


You will need the following installed on your machine:

  • Python (we tested with Anaconda using an environment created for Python version 3.10) and Docker (we tested with 24.0.2).
  • Note that we tested everything on Ubuntu Linux 22.10 but other environments should be possible.


This section will present a small tutorial about how to use this framework and several of the key scripts you will use throughout the development of your algorithm and eventual submission.

First, clone this repository and cd into the project directory:

git clone <REPO_URL>

Install the python package requirements:

pip install -r requirements_py3.10.txt

Create a small, sample dataset. For example, to create a dataset with 10000 20-dimensional random floating point vectors, run:

python --dataset random-xs

To create a smaller slice of the competition datasets (e.g. 10M slice of deep-1B), run:

python --dataset deep-10M

To see a complete list of datasets, run the following:

python --help

Build the docker container baselines for each track:

python --neurips23track filter    --algorithm faiss  
python --neurips23track sparse    --algorithm linscan 
python --neurips23track ood       --algorithm diskann
python --neurips23track streaming --algorithm diskann

Test the benchmark and baseline using the algorithm's definition file on small test inputs

python --neurips23track filter    --algorithm faiss   --dataset random-filter-s
python --neurips23track sparse    --algorithm linscan --dataset sparse-small
python --neurips23track ood       --algorithm diskann --dataset random-xs
python --neurips23track streaming --algorithm diskann --dataset random-xs --runbook_path neurips23/streaming/simple_runbook.yaml

For the competition dataset, run commands mentioned in the table above, for example:

python --neurips23track filter    --algorithm faiss   --dataset yfcc-10M
python --neurips23track sparse    --algorithm linscan --dataset sparse-full
python --neurips23track ood       --algorithm diskann --dataset text2image-10M
# preliminary runbook for testing 
python --neurips23track streaming --algorithm diskann --dataset msturing-10M-clustered --runbook_path neurips23/streaming/delete_runbook.yaml
#Final runbook for evaluation
python --neurips23track streaming --algorithm diskann --dataset msturing-30M-clustered --runbook_path neurips23/streaming/final_runbook.yaml

For streaming track, runbook specifies the order of operations to be executed by the algorithms. To download the ground truth for every search operation: (needs azcopy tool in your binary path):

python -m benchmark.streaming.download_gt --runbook_file neurips23/streaming/simple_runbook.yaml --dataset msspacev-10M
python -m benchmark.streaming.download_gt --runbook_file neurips23/streaming/delete_runbook.yaml --dataset msturing-10M-clustered
python -m benchmark.streaming.download_gt --runbook_file neurips23/streaming/final_runbook.yaml  --dataset msturing-30M-clustered

Alternately, to compute ground truth for an arbitrary runbook, clone and build DiskANN repo and use the command line tool to compute ground truth at various search checkpoints. The --gt_cmdline_tool points to the directory with DiskANN commandline tools.

python benchmark/streaming/ --dataset msspacev-10M --runbook neurips23/streaming/simple_runbook.yaml --gt_cmdline_tool ~/DiskANN/build/apps/utils/compute_groundtruth

Consider also the examples in runbooks [here]]neurips23/streaming/clustered_runbook.yaml) and here. The datasets here are generated by clustering the original dataset with k-means and packing points in the same cluster into contiguous indices. Then insertions are then performed one cluster at a time. This runbook tests if an indexing algorithm can adapt to data draft. The max_pts entry for the dataset in the runbook indicates an upper bound on the number of active points that the index must support during the runbook execution.

To make the results available for post-processing, change permissions of the results folder

sudo chmod 777 -R results/

The following command will summarize all results files into a single csv file res.csv suitable for further processing.

python --out res.csv

To plot QPS vs recall, you can use as follows:

python --dataset yfcc-10M --neurips23track filter

This will place a plot into the results/ directory. Please note that you have to provide the correct competition track to the script. The following are plots generated on Azure Standard D8lds v5 (8 vCPUs and 16GB DRAM) VM.

Sparse track sparse-full

Filter track yfcc-10M

OOD track text2image-10M


In the following, we assume that you will use the provided framework as a basis for your development. Please consult the guide if you want to diverge from this setup.

First, please create a short name for your team without spaces or special characters. Henceforth in these instructions, this will be referenced as [your_team_name].

Create a custom branch off main in this repository:

git checkout -b [task]/[your_team_name]

where [task] is sparse, streaming, filter, or ood.


This framework evaluates algorithms in Docker containers by default. Your algorithm's Dockerfile should live in neurips23/[task]/[your_team_name]/Dockerfile. Your Docker file should contain everything needed to install and run your algorithm on a system with the same hardware.

Please consult this file as an example.

To build your Docker container, run:

python --neurips23track [task] --algorithm [your_team_name]


Develop and add your algorithm's Python class to the neurips23/[task]/[your_team_name]/ directory.

  • You will need to subclass from the BaseANN class. Each track has its own base class, for example see the BaseFilterANN class. Implement the functions of that parent class.
  • You should consult the examples present in the neurips23 directory.
  • If it is difficult to write a Python wrapper, please consult HttpANN for a RESTful API.
  • Create a yaml file, for example neurips23/[task]/[your_team_name]/config.yaml, that specifies how to invoke your implementation. This file contains the index build parameters and query parameters that will get passed to your algorithm at run-time.

When you are ready to test on the competition datasets, use the script as follows:

python --dataset [sparse-full|yfcc-10M|...|...]

If your machine is capable of both building and searching an index, you can benchmark your algorithm using the script.

python --algorithm faiss --neurips23track filter --dataset yfcc-10M

This will write the results to the toplevel results directory.


Now you can analyze the results using Sudo might be required here. To avoid sudo, run sudo chmod -R 777 results/ before invoking these scripts.

python --dataset [DATASET] --neurips23track [TRACK]

This will place a plot of the algorithms performance into the toplevel results directory.

The script supports other benchmarks. To see a complete list, run:

python --help

Baseline results

To get a table overview over the best recall achieved over a certain QPS threshold, execute the datasets and algorithm pairs, and run

python --output res.csv
python eval/ --algorithm $ALGO --threshold $THRESHOLD res.csv


A submission is composed of a pull request to this repo with the following.

  • Your algorithm's python class, inheriting from the task-specific base class, in neurips23/[task]/[team]/
  • A Dockerfile `neurips23/[task]/[team]/Dockerfile describing how to retrieve, compile and set up requirements for your algorithm.
  • A config file neurips23/[task]/[team]/config.yml that specifies
    • 1 index build configuration
    • up to 10 search configuration (2 for streaming track)
  • Add an entry to CI test list for test dataset of the specific task. We can start working with larger datasets once these tests pass.
  • A URL to download any prebuilt indices placed in your config.yml. This is optional, but strongly encouraged. This would help us evaluate faster, although we will build your index to verify the time limit restrictions of 12 hours for building is satisfied. Please see diskann OOD for an example. If you are unable to host the index on your own Azure blob storage, please let us know and we can arrange to have it copied to organizer's account.

We will run early PRs on organizer's machines to the extent possible and provide any feedback necessary.


There are several ways to get help as you develop your algorithm using this framework:


While we encourage using our framework for all steps of the evaluation, we consider open-source submissions that diverge from the proposed setup. We require the submission of a docker container with an accompanying script to carry out the experimental run. You are encouraged to submit containers that contain the index for the task to speed up the evaluation. This script is supposed to have the same command line arguments for running the experiments as the script. In particular, --dataset, --neurips23track, --algorithm have to be supported. The script takes care of mounting the following directories from the host into the container: data/ (read-only) and results (read-write). It copies a config file config.yml that contains index build and search parameters.

Input data must be read from data/ as show-cased in using I/O functions similar to the ones provided in Results must be written in a HDF5 format as showcased in in the same folder structure as used by the evaluation framework. In particular, all steps mentioned in <#measuring_your_algorithm> must be possible from the result files.
