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This is the home of the Global Ionosphere/Thermosphere Model (GITM). Regular releases will start in 2023, with this first release.

GITM has been developed in fortran-90. It has been tested with gfortran on linux and mac osx as well as ifort on NASA's Pleiades computer.


  1. GITM needs MPI to work.

Quick Start:

1. Clone the repository and cd into the repo folder

git clone

2. Go into the repo directory


3. Configure the Fortran compiler (version 10)

./ -install -earth -compiler=gfortran10

The biggest issue with the above command is that it assumes that you have the gfortran (version 10) compiler and things like mpif90 work ok. If you don't have gfortran and mpif90, then you need to get these things for your computer. If you have version 9 or before for gfortran, you can do:

3b. Configure the Fortran compiler (version 9 or below)

./ -install -earth -compiler=gfortran

In theory, Mars, Venus, Titan, and LV-426 should work. These are in various states of completion, so I wouldn't count on them being perfect.

If running on Pleiades (as of March 3, 2022), you need to have these in your start-up script (.cshrc, .bashrc, etc):

module load comp-intel/2016.2.181
module load mpi-hpe/mpt

And you can use 3c below to configure the code.

3c. Configure for Pleiades

./ -install -earth -compiler=ifort

4. Make the binary:


5. Creates a run directory that has all of the input files:

make rundir

6. Go into the run directory:

cd run

7. Run the code:

mpirun -np 4 ./GITM.exe

GITM reads in a file called, which sets the configuration of the simulation. The default file has 2 lat blocks and 2 lon blocks with 9 x 9 cells each, so the default resolution is 180 (deg lat) / (2 * 9) = 10 deg lat, by 360 (deg lon) / (2 * 9) = 20 deg lon. See below for how to set the resolution.

8. Go into the directory which contains many of the outputs:

cd UA

9. Post process the output files by running:


10. Go into the output directory:

cd data

11. Make some plots with an old plotter:

../../../srcPython/ -var=3 -alt=120 3DALL_t021221_000500.bin

Then look at the png file that is created. You can use a -h to see how to run this code.

11b. A more advanced plotter is available through aetherpy. This is a bit more complicated, since you need to install aetherpy. If you don't use python much, this is harder. Here is how to do this:

cd <directory where you started from>
git clone

(you should see 2 directories: GITM and aetherpy)

cd aetherpy
git checkout develop

(install the aetherpy libraries)

python develop --user

11c. Test out the new plotter:

cd <directory where you started from>
cd GITM/run/UA/data
../../../srcPython/ -var=34 -alt=300 3DALL_t021221_000500.bin

(look at the beautiful plot)


  1. Please feel free to e-mail the development team to suggest ideas.

  2. Please feel free to open an issue on github. The development team gets these issues and will review them. We can then reach out to you to figure out how to incorporate them.

  3. Please feel free to fork this repository, make changes as you see fit, and do a pull request. Your suggested changes will be reviewed and incorporated if they fit.

External Codes:

There are a number of external codes that are not developed by the GITM team. For example:

  1. APEX - the magnetic coordinate system in the code. Developed at NCAR. The IGRF code that comes with it is also not developed at UM.

  2. Many electrodynamics models (Weimer, Newell's Ovation Prime, Mitchell's Ovation SME, others in the util/EMPIRICAL/srcIE directory).

  3. MSIS and IRI, which are in util/EMPIRICAL/srcUA. MSIS is used as a lower BC at Earth and was developed at NRL. IRI is used to initialize the code.

  4. The horizonal wind model (HWM) is used as a lower BC at Earth and was developed at NRL.

Setting the Resolution:

GITM uses a 2d domain decomposition with blocks. This means that in each direction, you set the number of cells in each block in the src/ModSize.f90 file. We almost always leave this as 9 cells in both the latitude and longitude direction, since the math is easy with this number. You can then set the resolution by asking for the number of blocks you want in the file.

If you wanted a grid that is (for example) 1 deg (lat) by 5 deg (lon), you would need 20 blocks (9 x 20 = 180 cells) in latitude and 8 blocks (9 x 8 = 72 cells) in longitude. You need a total of 160 processors for this simulation. You can change the file for these number of cells. To get a simple 5 deg x 5 deg resolution, you need 4 blocks in lat and 8 blocks in longitude, or 32 processors. If you have fewer processors, you can change the src/ModSize.f90 code and adjust the number of cells in each block to compensate. For example, you have 8 processors, so you can adjust ModSize.f90 to have 18 cells in lat and lon, then ask for 2 (lat) x 4 (lon) blocks to get 5 deg x 5 deg resolution.