2004-04-06 Hobbit
- mod_chroot/0.1 - initial release
2004-04-08 Hobbit
- mod_chroot/0.2 - no getppid() heuristics when EAPI is available.
2004-11-31 Hobbit
- mod_chroot/0.3 - with Apache 2.0 support
2005-01-09 Hobbit
- getenv()/setenv() instead of flaky getppid().
- fixed layout to make work as expected.
- documentation updates.
- released mod_chroot/0.4
2005-06-12 Hobbit
- fixed a problem with some CGIs (mod_cgid, mod_fcgid) being executed outside the chroot jail. Patch by <clement.hermann*free.fr>, thanks!
- updated documentation
- released mod_chroot/0.5
2008-02-18 Mathieu CARBONNEAUX
- released mod_chroot/1.0beta1
- only apache 2.x
- transparente chroot (ChrootFixRoot option)
- chroot in child_init to fix all resiliante problem with apache 2.0 file open after chrooting...
- fixed a problem restart apache chrooted in moving chrooting a childinit phase. that fixed also most libraries problem, all module that are loader with apache no need to include librarie in the chroot.
- all file (pid, lockfile, scoreboard, coredump...) that are created in mpm phase are created outside the jail without probleme beceause the jail is setup at child_init phase...
- fixe documentroot problem with chroot that need to exist in chroot and outside the chroot : now when activate mod_chroot they set automaticly the chroot directory to the document root... to acheave that they transparantly rewrite all file path internaly in apache like mod_alias to fake all programme and module of apache. with that no more need to trick with document root in chroot and outside chroot...
- fake also coredumpdirectory to permit core dump normaly if they are activated...
2008-05-05 Mathieu CARBONNEAUX
- released mod_chroot/1.0beta2
- simplification, fixing some hints...
- clarifying...
2016-05-25 Mathieu CARBONNEAUX
- post on github and cleanup documentation