Coding round questions
An array A consists of n cells, n ranges from 0 to n. Each cell consists of n elements whose value ranges from 1 to n. Create an array B such that B[i] must be as small as B[j] for all values of j that appears in A.
Find the least number of coins required that can make any desired amount. The coins can only be pennies(1), nickels(5), dimes(10) and quarters(25).
Given an integer array of size n, find the maximum of the minimum’s of every window size in the array. Note that window size varies from 1 to n.
Technical Interview Questions
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Implement a singleton class.
- Explain binary tree and binary search tree.
- Implement stack using classes in C++.
- Longest palindromic subsequence in string.
- Detect loop in a linked list and remove it.
- Select first 3 lines of the file. Select the longest line and count the number of words in that line.
- Given an array of strings, find the shortest length palindrome.
- Find the shortest cost path in a 3x3 matrix starting from top-left to bottom-right cell.
- Design a sudoku solver.
- Different types of joins.
Operating System
- Explain deadlock.
- What is dangling pointer?
- What happens when you type a URL in web browser?
- What are virtual functions and virtual destructors ?
- Diamond structure problem.
- What happens when you create an object using a base class pointer?
- Why Java uses interface ?
- Difference between array and ArrayList. Advantage of array.
- Differnce between preincrement and postincrement.
- Distinguish between Hashtable and HashMap.
- How is HashMap implemented in Java?
- Draw an entity relationship diagram for a student enrolment system.
- Draw an entity relationship diagram for a airport management system.
- Does encapsulation really exist in OOPS or is it just conceptual?