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144 lines (83 loc) · 4.7 KB

Paper - Easy

sudo vim /etc/hosts
#map ip to paper.htb

nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn -v paper.htb

gobuster dir -u http://paper.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x txt,php,html,bak -t 50 -k
#enumerate webpage on port 80

nikto -h http://paper.htb
#scan webpage on port 80

gobuster dir -u https://paper.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x txt,php,html,bak -t 50 -k
#enumerate webpage on port 443

nikto -h https://paper.htb
#scan webpage on port 443

sudo vim /etc/hosts
#add office.paper

#check office.paper

vim usernames.txt

wpscan --url http://office.paper -U usernames.txt --passwords /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

sudo vim /etc/hosts

#interact with the recyclops bot in chat
#we get password

ssh dwight@paper.htb
#login using password found earlier

#get user flag

#in attacker machine
python3 -m http.server

#in ssh
cd /tmp


chmod +x


#machine vulnerable to cve-2021-3560


chmod +x

./ -f=y -t=0.004
#creates user

su - secnigma
#enter given password

sudo bash
#we are now root
  • Open ports & services:

    • 22 - ssh - OpenSSH 8.0
    • 80 - http - Apache httpd 2.4.37 (centos)
    • 443 - ssl/http - Apache httpd 2.4.37 (centos)
  • Enumerating the webpage on port 80 shows that it is the default landing page for HTTP servers powered by CentOS.

  • Furthermore, using Wappalyzer, we find out that the webpage is using Apache 2.4.37 and OpenSSL 1.1.1k

  • We can attempt to scan for web directories using feroxbuster - this gives us only one directory /manual.

  • Now, we can attempt to enumerate the SSL webpage on port 443 by visiting https://paper.htb

  • We can also attempt to scan both webpages using nikto to check for any vulnerabilities.

  • While scanning the webpage on port 80 using nikto, we get this prompt:

Uncommon header 'x-backend-server' found, with contents: office.paper

  • We can add this domain to /etc/hosts file and then we can visit this page.

  • http://office.paper shows a blog page for 'Blunder Tiffin'.

  • We can check what CMS this page is using with the help of cmseek.

  • This tool detects WordPress 5.2.3; moreover it enumerates two usernames 'nick' and 'creedthoughts'.

  • Furthermore, the author is 'prisonmike' - we can note these usernames down.

  • Now, one of the blog mentions that there exists drafts somewhere.

  • Googling for exploits for WordPress 5.2.3 give us results for viewing unauthenticated/private/draft posts.

  • Using this simple exploit, we can visit the link http://office.paper/?static=1

  • This includes the draft content - it mentions a secret registration URL for a new employee chat system -

  • To visit this link, we have to first add this domain to /etc/hosts

  • Now, using this link, we can create an account and register - this allows us to read the chats in the general channel.

  • We have multiple users; we can interact with them by 'direct message', as the channel is read-only.

  • Out of all the users, only recyclops is online, so we can interact with this bot.

  • Using the help command, we can see all the commands that the bot responds to in the chat.

  • We can now type all the commands to interact and enumerate for clues; this bot has some bugs so it does not respond to all commands.

  • recyclops list lists the '/sales/' directory; similarly we can list the 'sale' subdirectory using recyclops list sale/

  • Now, we can check file contents using recyclops file sale/portfolio.txt

  • The directories do not contain anything, but we can list the parent folder using recyclops list sale/../.. - we can enumerate the files from here.

  • By listing the '.env' file inside 'hubot' directory, we get creds "recyclops:Queenofblad3s!23"

  • By printing output of '/etc/passwd' in a similar style, we can see that there are no users named 'recyclops' - but we have users 'rocketchat' and 'dwight'.

  • Using the password found earlier, we can login as 'dwight' via SSH.

  • After getting user flag, we can now check for privesc using linpeas.

  • linpeas shows that the machine is vulnerable to CVE-2021-3560, which exploits a vulnerability in polkit package.

  • Googling for the exploit gives us a GitHub PoC script, which can be transferred to ssh session and executed.

  • Running this script creates a new user on the machine, and switching to that user and running sudo bash gives us a root shell.

1. User flag - 73375861470dc4bcdfeb69de755ab7c7

2. Root flag - a4ca1063acb3491403111e09ae34e7ba