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Shows OneDoor results and details in Spatial Map (all configuration is done in OneDoor)

Copy the tool .../modules/custom/thirdparty/s4/tools/s4-plugin-onedoor.xml
to .../tools/custom/s4-plugin-onedoor.xml

Include in profile

<tool dir="custom" name="s4-plugin-onedoor" />

Customize to your needs

Detail plugins

These standard s4 plugins may be used with s4-plugin-onedoor

These tools are specifically for use with s4-plugin-onedoor and emulate clicking on big map in OneDoor

  • s4-onedoor-mapclick-plugin - creates an ${\color{orange}orange}$ cross hair icon in search box. Show results in s4
  • s4-onedoor-mapclick - creates a menu item i Spatial Map - Open result in OneDoor Web

A geometry Searcher must be defined in OneDoor:

    _type: Septima.Search.ClientSearcher
      singular: Geometry
      plural: Geometries
      isAsync: false
      usesGeoFunctions: true
        _type: Septima.Search.GeometrySearchProvider
      - ...
      - ...

and registered with the controller:

    - _ref: $.searchers.geometrysearcher # kun til geografiske opslag

Profile example:

<tool module="s4" name="s4-eknap-plugin" />
<tool module="s4" name="s4-cowi-gadefoto-plugin"/>
<tool module="s4" name="s4-show-hide" panel="top-right">
        {"hideFromStart": false}
<tool module="s4" name="s4-details-themes-related-plugin" />
<tool module="s4" name="s4-onedoor-mapclick-plugin">
  <!-- jsonconfig er kun nødvendig, hvis man vil ændre defaults: search/Geometries/Geometry-->
      {"mode": "search",
      "source": "Geometries",
      "type": "Geometry"}
<tool module="s4" name="s4-onedoor-mapclick">
  <!-- jsonconfig er kun nødvendig, hvis man vil ændre defaults: link/Geometries/Geometry-->
      {"mode": "link",
      "source": "Geometries",
      "type": "Geometry"}

Customization of s4 OneDoor tool

Customization of this tool is very similar to the standard tool The only specific entry is s3searcher which takes these three parameters:

Connection parameters

  • host (mandatory)
  • organisation (mandatory)
  • configuration (mandatory)
  • showLinkToWeb (optional default: false)
  • authorization (optional)

Speak to your OneDoor admin to obtain the correct values

//  'panel-brand': Force s4 to panel-brand 
//  'menu': As the last menu in the menu line
//  'tool': Use the panel as specified in the profile
//  'panel-top': Force s4 to top menu
//  'default': same as map-top-right
//  'panel-middle': Force s4 to menu linie (right justified)
//  'map-top-right': SpS 4.1+ only
panel: 'default',

//Result presentation
//  printconfig: standard, full_freetext, rotatet, rotatet_contact or html
//  blankbehavior: search or none  
//  autofocus: true or false. Default is false
//  forcedblurOnSelect: Force close of result list. Default is false
//  zoomBuffer: Buffer when result is shown in map. Default is '100'
//  marginToBottom: Distance between bottom of resultlist and bottom af window. Default is 100
view: {
  limit: 20,
  blankbehavior: "search",
  autofocus: false,
  dynamiclayer: 'userdatasource',
  infoprofilequery: 'userdatasource',
  printconfig: 'rotated_contact',
  forcedblurOnSelect: 'false',
  zoomBuffer: '100',
  marginToBottom: 100,
  placeholder: "Søg" 
//Septima Search Server
s3searcher: {
  enabled: true,
  info: true,
  print: true,
  showLinkToWeb: false,  // optional default false
  host: "",
  organisation: "septima",
  configuration: "demo",
  authorization: {Bearer: {token: "xxxxxxxxx"} } // optional

//Themes in profile
themesearcher: {enabled: true},
profilesearcher: {enabled: true},
favoritesearcher: {enabled: true},
workspacesearcher: {enabled: true},
//Promote: show history icon in search input
//persist: Remember history between sessions
historysearcher: {enabled: false, promote: true, persist: true},

//SpS projection
//Any other projection than epsg:25832 MUST be defined here
projection_epsg: {code: "epsg:25832", def: "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs"}