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[EN] RTX Remix setup for debugging

alex edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 13 revisions

Instructions for building x64 openxray with rtx remix

This info is aimed for people who want to help us test the rtx remix implementation on openxray. This implementation is not stable yet, there have been various reported crashes. Please submit any helpful info to this issue


  • Grab latest remix binaries here
    • At the time of writing, working version is 0.1.1.
  • Grab latest dxvk binary here
    • At the time of writing, working version is this
  • Follow these resources for building the project:

Install steps:

  • git checkout rtx-support
  • git pull origin rtx-support
  • Build the project, mixed or release configuration recommended to be able to use cheats (e.g. for jumping levels, spawning items, general debug)
  • Delete or rename the original game_root_dir/bin
  • Copy all files from openxray_dir/bin/x64/[config_name] -> game_root_dir/bin/
  • Copy rtx.conf from openxray_dir/res/ -> game_root_dir/
  • Copy play_rtx.bat from openxray_dir/res/ -> game_root_dir/
  • Copy remix binaries -> game_root_dir/bin/
  • Copy dxvk binary -> game_root_dir/bin/

Running the game:

  • Open play_rtx.bat in game_root_dir/.
  • ensure you are using static lighting, by setting it in options menu or doing console command renderer renderer_r1
  • enable ffp by doing console command r1_ffp on
  • save the config by doing console command cfg_save
  • restart the game

Remix should now be working. Press alt+x while in-game to open remix ui. xrEngine needs to be launched with -i to be able to use remix ui, handled by play_rtx.bat

Useful links:


  • Most stable level is jupiter. Use console command jump_to_level jupiter to get there.
  • Sun kind of works, but is glitchy probably due to culling. Use console command sv_setweather default_clear to make it sunny.


  • Sometimes game does not start, just double click the empty window and close it; or use task manager to close xrEngine. It'll run eventually...
  • Often crashes due to DxvkSubmissionQueue: Command submission failed: VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST
  • Lods rendered with strange colors
  • Idk if terrain texture mapping is working properly
  • Environment textures look very plasticky when rendered

Sample screenshots

Your game should look like this if set up properly! Screenshots taken on new game, after jumping to jupiter, with default_clear weather.

xrEngine_2023_04_25_16_54_20_006 xrEngine_2023_04_24_23_06_01_914

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