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Releases: Melapress/wp-security-audit-log

New activity log for Yoast SEO extension & improved coverage

06 Oct 19:33
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Release notes: WP Activity Log 4.1.4: New activity log for Yoast SEO extension & improved coverage

  • New features

  • New Yoast SEO activity log event IDs

    • ID 8826: user has enabled / disabled the Redirect Attachment URLs in the Yoast SEO plugin.
    • ID 8827: Usage tracking has been enabled / dsabled.
    • ID 8828: The REST API: head endpoint setting was enabled / disabled.
    • ID 8829: The social profile URL was added / modified / deleted.
    • ID 8830: User changed the taxonomies settings to show in search results.
    • ID 8831: Chaged the SEO title template for a taxonomy type.
    • ID 8832: Changed the meta description template for a taxonomy type.
    • ID 8833: Enabled or disabled the display of Author or Date archives.
    • ID 8834: Configured the plugin to show the Author or Date archived in the search results.
    • ID 8835: Changed the SEO title template for the Author or Date archive pages.
    • ID 8836: Changed the Meta description template for the Author or Date archive pages.
    • ID 8837: Enabled / disabled the setting to show SEO settings for specific taxonomy types.

Refer to the complete list of activity log event IDs for more detailed information.

  • Improvements

    • Improved the overall coverage and how events of changes in Yoast SEO plugin and YoastSEO metabox are reported.
    • Implemented a single email class that is now used by all email features in the plugin.
    • Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version (2.4.0).
    • Improved the detection mechanism of installed third party plugins used for the activity log extensions notifications.
    • Consolidated all activity log extensions code - now all third party plugins extensions use the same code.
    • Improved the plugin's activation process on multisite network.
    • Plugin only shows file changes notifications if the Website File Changes Monitor plugin is installed.
    • Plugin prompts user to save unsaved changes in settings page before switching pages.
    • Improved plugin & activity log permissions on multisite network.
    • System information file updated to retrieve settings from the wp_options table.
    • Removed all the obsolete event IDs from the Enable/Disable events section.
    • Updated a number of filters/hooks calls that were calling deprecated ones.
    • Removed all the obsolete code which was used for the old wp_wsal_options table.
    • The handling of disabled event IDs is now done more efficiently, via filters.
    • Improved the session db adaptor which was causing errors in specific edge cases.
    • Branded the notifications for third party plugins extensions and improved the text.
    • Improved the first-time install wizard CSS to correctly display the list of required extensions for third party plugins.
    • Removed event ID 2106 (plugin updated post) and ID 8823 (Yoast SEO date snippet) because they were made redundant.
    • Moved all remaining bbPress code to the Activity Log for bbPress extension.
    • Added check to prevent identical search filters from being saved.
  • Bug fixes

    • Removed the old version check from the wp_wsal_options table.
    • Reset plugin settings was not deleting all the settings.
    • Reports UI was not loading in a mixed content environment.
    • Unkown object was reported in event ID 6034 (user purged activity log).
    • Custom login page message was not shown in specific edge cases.
    • Addressed a number of errors that were appearing during WooCommerce setup.
    • List of IP addresses in event ID 1005 (users has multiple logged in sessions) was incorrect.
    • Plugin was generating an error when changing the WooCommerce store address on a multisite network.
    • Event ID 1000 reported twice on websites using the OptimizeMember plugin.
    • Third party plugins detection was not detecting all plugins on multisite network.
    • Built-in email notifications couldn't be disabled after they were enabled.
    • Notifications to install third party plugin extensions were shown in sub sites on a multisite network.
    • Event ID 1000 (user login) was reported even when user was excluded from the logs.
    • Data picker obscured by autocomplete in notifications.
    • Fixed conflict with MyCred plugin (widget sensor was killing ongoing widget requests).

Hotfix; WooCommerce empty orders issue

14 Aug 15:41
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  • Improvement

  • Bug fixes

    • The orders details in WooCommerce were not being added to the order (Support ticket).
    • An empty space was added to the top of the WordPress admin menu.
    • Third party plugins extensions notification not showing in the activity log viewer.
    • Third party plugins extension help text was shown on the wrong pages.

New activity log extension for WooCommerce, settings migration & more

11 Aug 17:37
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Release notes: WP Activity Log 4.1.3: New extension for WooCommerce & other updates


    • Only update from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3. If you are using an older version, first update to 4.1.2 before updating to 4.1.3.
  • New features

    • The all new WP Activity Log for WooCommerce extension (needed to keep a log of changes on WooCommerce store, products, orders & much more).
    • New plugin and activity log privileges that allow super admins on a multisite network to restrict activity log access to site admins and other super admins.
    • Coverage for changes done to relationship custom fields created with ACF.
  • New activity log events

    • ID 2131: Added relationships in a custom field.
    • ID 2132: Removed relationships from a custom field.
    • ID 9101: Created new product tag in WooCommerce.
    • ID 9102: Deleted a product tag in WooCommerce.
    • ID 9103: Renamed a product tag in WooCommerce.
    • ID 9104: Changed the slug of a product tag in WooCommerce.

Refer to the complete list of activity log event IDs for more detailed information.

  • Improvements

    • Improved the plugin's coverage of WooCommerce stores, products, orders etc by adding new events, and updating the current sensor.
    • Plugin now uses the default WordPress options table to store settings (performance enhancement).
    • Refactored all settings in the database so they all use yes/no values.
    • Restricted the plugin's and activity log settings to the network dashboard only on a multisite network.
    • Change in wp_wsal_sessions table structure: now plugin uses session ID as unique identifier in table.
    • Plugin keeps the ID of the sites a user is logged in to on a multisite network.
    • Removed the Import/Export plugin settings functionality (a much better utility will be designed and launched as a replacement).
    • File changes detected by the Website File Changes Monitor plugin are now reported in the daily summary email.
    • Log files working directory in uploads directory renamed to wp-activity-log.
    • If no path is specified for the log files working directory, the default path is used.
    • Improved activity log privileges - on multisite super admin can restrict site admins from seeing their own site's activity logs.
    • WooCommerce front end sensor is automatically enabled if admin enables events to track purchases of non-logged in users.
    • Improved the text of the third party plugins extensions notifications.
    • Updated the format of event IDs 9070 and 4020 to matches the standard template.
    • Coverage of WooCommerce coupon changes has been improved andplugin can now keep a log of usage restriction changes in coupons.
    • IP address in list of logged in users is now linked to
    • Added a message for when no sessions are shown in the Logged In users section.
    • Minor changes in the plugin's settings pages.
    • Updated some notifications used by the third party plugins extensions.
    • Third party plugins extensions are now automatically activated on multsite network when installed.
    • Removed all code that was used for file scanning. Now plugin is fully integrated with Website File Changes Monitor.
  • Bug fixes

    • Extensions notifications were wrongly shown to sub sites admins on multisite.
    • Event 1002 (failed user login) was wrongly reported when a user session is blocked.
    • When the setting Delete data on uninstall was enabled the plugin was not deleting all the data from the database.
    • Event ID 1002 (failed user login) incorrectly links to log file.
    • Plugin does not send logs to Activity Log for MainWP extension when child site uses a non-default admin URL.
    • Error when loading user session tokens from usermeta table in some cases.
    • Users sessions table was moved to external database when activity log is stored in an external database.
    • Plugin was reporting event ID 1000 (login) when user changes own password in user profile page.
    • Plugin's log files working directory was hardcoded (uploads directory).
    • When super admins changed the plugin's settings on a child site, the settings were not applied globally.
    • Users who are allowed to view the activity log can also see who is logged in.
    • The old plugin name was shown on the daily summary email template.
    • Plugin created working directory in wrong location when site address is different than WordPress address.
    • Setup wizard shows all the extensions for third party plugins instead of those for the installed plugins.
    • Wrong anchor text "view post in editor" used for WooCommerce products.
    • Unknown object reported instead of actual Object in some of the WPForms activity log events.
    • Event ID 2080 not reported when the last item was removed from the site menu.
    • Plugin logo missing from license activation screen.
    • Website File Changes Monitor custom posts type changes were reported (these are ignored by default).

4.1.2 Release

24 Jun 12:44
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Merge pull request #529 from WPWhiteSecurity/develop

4.1.2 Release

New session policies per user roles & other improvements

25 May 18:40
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  • New Features

    • New WordPress users sessions management module with configurable policies per user role.
    • Setting to configure the log files location (request log file, 6007 and 6023 events).
  • Plugin Improvements

    • Activity log reports now support user roles which have the space character in the name.
    • Removed more legacy code from the plugin (the check for encryption method).
    • Removed old update scripts (for when updating from versions prior to 3.5.2).
    • Moved 10 more plugin settings from the custom table to the wp_options table (performance improvement).
    • Standardized the format of all placeholders in the UI (now they are all using default WordPress format).
    • Removed premium only code from free edition.
  • Bug fixes

    • Scheduled daily reports included data of the last 24 hours instead of the previous day.
    • Resaving the activity logs archiving settings generated errors (didn't check if connection was already setup).
    • Issue with the plugin when installed on MainWP child sites (support ticket).
    • Plugin adding Menu entry with no title (used by the wizard).

WP Security Audit Log renamed to WP Activity Log

15 May 07:13
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WP Security Audit Log renamed to WP Activity Log

Support for WooCommerce 4.0 & new bbPress add-on

16 Apr 13:22
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Release notes: Update 4.0.3 - Support for WooCommerce 4.0 & new bbPress add-on


    • Individual add-ons no longer supported (pre 2018).
  • New features

  • New activity log event IDs

    • Event ID 9105: The stock quantity of a product was changed due to an order.
    • Event ID 9085: The WooCommerce setting "Selling location(s)" was changed.
    • Event ID 9086: List of excluded countries to sell to in WooCommerce was changed.
    • Event ID 9087: List of countries to sell to in WooCommerce was changed.
    • Event ID 9088: The WooCommerce setting "Shipping location(s)" was changed.
    • Event ID 9090: The WooCommerce setting "Default custom location" was changed.
    • Event ID 9091: The "Cart page" in the WooCommerce settings was changed.
    • Event ID 9092: The "Checkout page" in the WooCommerce settings was changed.
    • Event ID 9093: The "My Account page" in the WooCommerce settings was changed.
    • Event ID 9094: The "Terms & conditions page" in the WooCommerce settings was changed.

Refer to the activity logs for WooCommerce for more details on WooCommerce support.

  • Improvements

    • Improved the coverage of the WooCommerce sensor.
    • WooCommerce sensor now detects changes done from the new WooCommerce Admin interface.
    • Event 9029 (WooCommerce store base location change) now reports both the old and new address.
    • Updated WooCommerce sensor to detect all the changes in tax options (event IDs 9078 - 9081).
    • Changed the event type from Modified to Renamed in the events where in which the object is renamed.
    • "Plugins" is reported instead of a username when a change is done automatically by a plugin.
    • Improved the activity logs external database connection test during connection setup.
    • Removed obsolete code which was only used in previous versions from the defaults.php file.
    • Improved event ID 2055 (deleted custom field) so it is not reported when a custom field is deleted autoamtically due to the post being deleted.
    • Removed redundant filters wsal_event_type_text and wsal_event_object_text.
    • Moved 10 plugin settings to the WordPress options table as part of the plugin improvement project.
    • External database connector now reports actual MySQL error for improved troubleshooting.
    • All the changes done to a bbPress forum or topic are reported, even when done at the same time.
  • Bug fixes

    • Event ID 8808 not firing when Cornerstone article setting is enabled or disabled in a post.
    • Event ID 9066 not firing when the expiry date of a WooCommerce coupon is changed.
    • Plugin reporting event ID 2001 instead of 5019 when a plugin automatically creates posts.
    • Fixed a minor compatibility issue in the Hide plugin functionality (support ticket).
    • Event ID 9063 reported instead of event ID 9071 when reporting a WooCommerce coupon change.
    • Events ID 1005 (multiple sessions detected) and 1007 (user terminated another user's session) were only working when frontend sensor was enabled.
    • Activity logs view buttons link to first site on network instead of network dashboard on multisite network.
    • Error reported when the role property was undefined.
    • Fixed a PHP 7.3 compatibility issue (support ticket).

Security fix + update of plugin privileges settings

02 Mar 14:17
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  • Security fix

    • Added authentication check for the first-time install wizard. This addresses an edge case in which if the wizard was never completed by the user, unauthenticated users could run the wizard and give access to the plugin settings to WordPress users.
  • Improvements

    • Removed the setting / functionality to allow access to users with non-admin role to the plugin settings. Now users who require access to the plugin settings need to have the admin role.
    • Removed the "activity log view access" and the "exclude objects" steps from the install wizard. These are advanced settings.
    • Check the role of users trying to import settings file and deny if it does not have admin role.

Announcing activity logs for WPForms & add-ons in 4.0.1

13 Feb 11:26
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Release notes: Update 4.0.1 - activity logs for WPForms

  • New features

    • Activity logs for WPForms.
    • One-click installation and activation feature for new third party plugins add-ons.
    • New Third Party Plugins tab in Enable/Disable Events section to allow users to install add-ons for third party plugins.
    • Added the new event types "Renamed" and "Duplicated" (more on activity log event types).
    • Added several new hooks in the plugin, mainly to allow custom editor link, to add custom column to the logs viewer, to add new event types and objects.
  • Improvements

    • Updated event IDs 2123, 2062, 2084, 9077 and 9071 so they now use the "Renamed" event type.
    • Updated the activity log severity levels definitions in defaults.php)
    • Updated / improved some of the help text messages.
    • Plugin does not automatically retrieve the IP addresses and latest change of logged in users if there are 100+ sessions (performance improvement).
    • Localized text in JS files.
    • Started removing obsolete code.
  • Bug fixes

    • Only the path of the added, modified or deleted file was reported in daily summary email.

The all new more comprehensive yet easier to read WordPress activity log

08 Jan 19:02
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Release notes: Update 4.0.0 - New UI & activity log metadata

  • New features

  • Improvements

    • Updated the severity levels of all activity log events.
    • Updated the Freemius SDK to version 2.3.2.
    • Included the two new metadata types in the email notification templates (event type and object metadata).
    • Added a notification to refresh search when the filters change.
    • Added several new reference links in the plugin's help text.
  • Bug fixes

    • Addressed a warning message in the logs generated by the connector when using PHP 7.4.
    • Fixed an issue which was triggered when using the User Switching filter hook.
    • Few spelling mistakes in the plugin's UI and settings pages.