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ATS Release Notes




New Features: Support multiple dependencies for a job. Suggestion and code provided by Bob Anderson. Dependencies may look like the traditional still

    tt=testif(parent=t1, ...)

    But may also look like this using [] to specify multiple dependencies for ajo

    t1 = test(...)
    t2 = test(...)
    testif(parent=[t1, t2], ...)

Add --quiet option to ATS.
    Will be used to suppress warnings.
    First warning to be suppressed is
    "Slurm sees ATS or Shell as itself using a CPU"

Slurm Bug Fixes: Fix default setting of npMax with slurmProcessorScheduled Use the number of CPUs reported by slurm when possible.

Update Slurm module to bypass setting cpus-per-task if cpus_per_task is set to 0.
    Prior to this, cpus per task was set to 1 as the minimum.  But there are use cases where
    it should actually be 0.

LSF Bug Fixes: Fix string catenation python errors in

Flux Bug Fixes: Fix python warning in Change if not self.numGPUs is 0: to if self.numGPUs != 0:

Better support for flux timeouts

c7b94c7 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Fix default setting of npMax with slurmProcessorScheduled 839828d Fix string catenation python errors in 97f4855 Support multiple dependencies for a job. 7240f61 Add --quiet option to ATS. 260d0ee Fix python warning in caafd0a Merge branch 'main' of into main c234386 ats version 7.0.116 (beta) 36a862d Flux timeouts (#154) d5bfb31 Update test/HelloSameNode/READ.ME e0906ec Same_node warnings now print to console as well as log (#153) b0a2451 New testing directory HelloSameNode 1046121 new testing 24e9d3c Same node option (#152)




Issue 151: Fixed bug in LSF module where --lrun --old_defaults and mpi bind
were not being processed correctly resulting in python error within ATS.

Issue 149: Fixed bug in atslite1 and atslite3 where --level=10 
(or some other number) was not processed correctly.   

New Feature: --removeStartNote and --removeEndNote
Implemented requested ATS command line options to reduce prints
related to jobs starting and/or stopping.
Requested by a project to reduce amount of messages sent to stdout.
ATS options are:
    --removeStartNote <- will remove message notifying user of start of job
    --removeEndNote   <- will remove message notifying user of end of job




Commentatary on the flux run line generated by ATS.

Different projects required different flux options.  In particular: 

    Should mpibind be on or off ?
    Should tests require excusive node access ?
    Should the cpu-affinity or gpu-affinity be set ? 

And within a project, different test runs may also have different goals

    Throughput (shortest time to run all tests)
    Reproducibility (for performance testing, or sensitive correctness testing)
    High Memory 

Each of these goals can be achieved with different ATS options.

Since project needs vary quite a bit, ATS generates a basic flux line and then 
provides options for projects to over-ride or append to the ATS generated
flus run line.

The basic flux run line which ATS generates will look like so

flux run -t<time_limit) -N<nodes> -n<mpi_tasks> -c<cores_per_mpi_task> -g<gpus_per_mpi_task)

ATS uses these standard, historical ATS testing options to generate the flux run line:
    nn = number of nodes
    np = number of mpi tasks
    nt = number of thread per mpi task
    ngpu / gpus_per_task = number of gpus per mpi rank
And of course, there are command line options used as well, which can over-ride
each of those options, including turning off the default per test job limit. 

Advice on running a Host compiled code using Flux

Host Example 1: ats --flux_run_args="-o mpibind=off"

Host Example 1 comments.  The use of "-o mpibind=off" was necessary
in order to allow flux to pack multiple jobs onto each node, and to 
ensure each MPI task, across all running jobs, do not share physical CPU
cores (ie to prevent over-subscription of physical CPU cores)

Advice on running a GPU compiled code using Flux

GPU  Example 1: ats --test_np_max=4 --gpus_per_task=1 --flux_run_args="-o mpibind=on" 
GPU  Example 1 comments. 

This code uses these options to run a minimum of
two GPU codes per node.  For tests which use less then 4 mpi tasks, this will run 
up to 8 separate GPU jobs per node, concurrently.  The command line options explained:

--test_np_max=4 <- sets the maximum number for the per test 'np' option. 
    if a test has np set to 1, 2, 3, or 4, then there is no change.
    if a test has np set to > 4, this --test_np_max will set it to 4.

--gpus_per_task=1 <- Specifies that each MPI task will use 1 GPU device.   
    This is an easy way to run an existing test suite for which ngpu / gpus_per_task
    is not specified on a per test basis.  This option is equivalent to a 
    per test setting of ngpu=1, and will apply it to every test job.

--flux_run_args="-o mpibind=on" <- This project needs to have mpibind on in 
    order to access the GPU memory using hipMalloc or Umpire.  This is an example
    of a project specific setting. 

GPU  Example 2: --gpus-per-task=1 --flux_run_args="-o mpibind=off -o gpu-affinity=per-task"
GPU  Example 2 comments.  

This GPU code appears to work best with mpibnd turned off and the gpu-affinity
set to per task.  Contact Ben Liu for more information about this example.

Added and updated Flux options:

--flux_run_args="some string"

This can be used to add any string that is meaningful to
the basic 'flux run' command to each test submittal.
For instance:

--flux_run_args="-o gpu-affinity=per-task -o mpibind=off"

    Would add that string literal to the basic flux run line that ATS

Over-rides or appends test specific nn option.

Potentially overrides the np test setting. That is, it limits the maximum value of np to this value. If the test np is less than this value, then no change If the test np is greater than this value, then the test np is reduced to this value.

For instance if the command line option --test_np_max=4
is used, then a per test setting of np=10 will be reduced
to np=4.  If a per test setting of np=1 is in the test deck,
then it will not be changed.

--gpus_per_task Overrides or appends the test specific gpus_per_task option.


Do not specify per job time limits on the flux run line. 
This option takes precedence over any other timelimit or cutoff time options


Use flux resource manager to detect free hardware resources.
Default is for ATS to track available nodes, cores, and gpus.
But there may be scenarios where calling the flux resource list
could be useful.  

Both should provide good throughput. 

This information is used to know when to submit new jobs to flux.
If a project starts seeing jobs in the flux queue (ie waiting for
resources), one could try this alternative.


Mark each job as needing exlusive access to the node.  Do not
run multiple jobs concurrently on a node.  This option will
pass the --exclusive option to flux on the run line, as well
as inform ATS that each jobs needs excusive access to the node(s)
on which it run.

--num_concurrent_jobs NUM_CONCURRENT_JOBS Flux option: Limit number of concurrently running jobs. Default is unset, but projects may wish to set this in order to throttle ATS submission of jobs to the flux scheduler. --num_concurrent_mpi_tasks NUM_CONCURRENT_MPI_TASKS Flux option: Limit number of concurrently active mpi tasks across all running jobs. Default value is the number of CPU cores in the allocation. Projects may wish to increase this or decrease this in order to throttle ATS submission of jobs to the flux scheduler.

Adjusted basic flux run line to include
the -N option.  Used to keep flux from
spreading MPI tasks across multiple
nodes un-necessarily  Will use the test
specific -nn option if specified.  If
not specified, ATS will calculate the
minimum number of nodes needed for the
job and use that.

Export env variable FLUX_F58_FORCE_ASCII=1,
to tell FLUX to use ASCII characters.




Better Flux support for Native Flux machines with GPUs, 
such as rzvernal.

Note that the MACHINE_TYPE is flux00.  You will need
to set that in your environment (or have your ATS wrapper
set that MACHINE_TYPE env var). 

Note: 'flux run help' is quite useful to understand
flux run options. 

Removed hard coded flux options such as "-o cpu-affinity=per-task"
and "-o mpibind=off" and "--exclusive".  These vary too much
by project.   Please see the option flux_run_args, documented
below, to add project specific options to the flux run line.

Removed use of deprecated 'flux mini run', just use 'flux run' 

Added test_np_max (see below) for flux as well as other schedulers.

Additionally there was a change to the ATS blueOS wrapper (lsf):
    Options --lrun_np_max and --jsrun_np_max are being deprecated and
    are repaced by a single option --test_np_max to be uniform
    throughout ATS

P E R   T E S T   O P T I O N S

At the individual test level, these are useful options
when using Flux:

Note that this release of ATS supports Per-Task flux options
at this time.  We are considering how to add support for
Per-resource options in the next release.

nn  Number of Nodes for the test.  Translates
    to the -N option for flux and other schedulers.

np  Number of MPI Ranks for the test. Translates to
    the -n option for flux and other schedulers.

nt  Number of threads per MPI rank.  Will be used to set 
    the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS
    for the test run, as well as calculate the number of CPU
    cores reserved for each MPI rank.  This will be used to 
    set the -c flux option, which is the number of cores
    per process.


    The ngpu option, while still honored, is being replaced
    by the more specific gpus_per_task option.   

    Number of GPU devices per MPI Rank.  This will also be
    used to set the -c flux option in order to provide a separate
    GPU for each MPI Rank.  It is not currently used to
    set the flux -g option, as in our testing, that was
    not sufficient, nor necessary, in order to allocates
    separate GPUS for each MPI rank.

Note that both the nt and the gpus_per_task option will 
result in a -c option that is greater 1, which will reduce
the number of concurrent MPI ranks that can run on a node.  This
is by design, as ATS does not want to have concurrent tests 
time-sharing CPUS or GPUS. 

A T S   C O M M A N D   L I N E   F L U X   O P T I O N S

ats --help:    will show all command line options.
flux run help: will show flux run options which may be useful

Running ats with the --verbose option is an easy method
to see the flux run line generated by ATS.

In addition to the test level ATS options above, One may 
use command line options to override those, or append to
them, or to add project specific options to the flux
run line.  

Here are some particularly useful ATS options when using
the flux scheduler.

--flux_run_args="some string"

    This can be used to add any string that is meaningful to
    the basic 'flux run' command to each test submittal.
    For instance:

    --flux_run_args="-o gpu-affinity=per-task --exclusiive"

    Would add that string literal to the basic flux run line that ATS 

--nn  Over-rides or appends test specific nn  option.

--test_np_max   Potentially overrides the np test setting. 
    That is, it limits the maximum value of np to this value.
    If the test np is less than this value, then no change
    If the test np is greater than this value, then the test np
    is reduced to this value.

    For instance if the command line option --test_np_max=4
    is used, then a per test setting of np=10 will be reduced 
    to np=4.  If a per test setting of np=1 is in the test deck,
    then it will not be changed.

--gpus_per_task  Overrides or appends the test specific gpus_per_task

E X A M P L E   A T S   G P U   T E S T I N G   W I T H   F L U X

As an example, here are command line settings a project used
to run a large test suite using Flux.  While the projects ATS test
lines already specified the np and nt options,they do not specify
Some tests have a large number for np.   The desire is
to run on a machine which has 8 GPU and 64 cores per node.  In
addition, the project testing goal is to achieve throughput by 
running two concurrent jobs on each node.

For this project the ats test run line used is:

--test_np_max=4 --gpus_per_task=1 --timelimit=10m

As there are 8 GPUs, this set of ATS options allows for each test to
run with 4 MPI ranks, each of which has 1 GPU.   Thus flux should
be able to drive two jobs concurrently on each node of the allocation.

In addition, this project is still porting to the GPUs and there are
some jobs which appeared to hang.   So the additionaal --timelimit
option was specified in order to have flux kill possibly hung test 
jobs and continue with other tests. 

This set of options resulted in actual flux run lines, generated
by ATS which look like so:

flux run -t10m -n4 -c8  <etc>

Note that the -c8 setting ensures a separate GPU for each MPI rank.



Inital Flux support on Toss 4 systems where flux is 
the native scheduler.   

Only call 'stty sane' if ENVIRONMENT env var is INTERACTIVE
This call results in warnings and such if in a BATCH

pip installs ats with poetry, not setuptools (#97)
* pip installs ats with poetry, not setuptools
* remove outdated bin dir files
* rename back to atsflux




Update sleepBeforeRun option.
Renamed from sleepBeforeSrun.
Still honor sleepBeforeSrun, simply map
to sleepBeforeRun.
Change value given to this option from an int to a float.

Add tossrun for VIP project usage.

Fix globalPostrunScript and globalPrerunScript processing.

Strip quotes which are somehow addedd to the string in Python3
Otherwise we can not verify the file exists or execute it.

Default ruby machine type to slurm56

For slurm:
Account for slurm version such as 21.08.8-2

Added --useMinNodes for toss (slurm)

If --useMinNodes specified, then within an allocation

    srun_nodes="--nodes=%i-%i" % (minNodes, minNodes)

when starting the job, where minNodes is the minimum
number of nodes needed for the requested number of MPI
processes.   This is experimental at this point,
and may lead to hangs or lower throughput.

For blueos:
Add smpi options to ats command line

Either one of these may be used to disable the --smpiargs="-gpu" option.




  • Port to Python 3.8


  • 2021-April-19
  • Migrated from Bitbucket to GitHub