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Project - ToDo List management

key features

  • This project consists of 11 APIs, 3 for Users, 4 for Boards and 4 for Tasks.
  • First of all,We need to register/Sign up the user, then verify them via successfull login and then perform a two-step verification by sending them an OTP in their email Id.
  • Next step would be to create Board by the authenticated users, the operations they'll be able to perform with their boards are :
  1. Create Board
  2. Fetch their Boards details nby the board Id
  3. Update Baord
  4. Delete board
  • Final step is to list the tasks by the users itself. They can list their tasks and can work accordingly. There's a status of the task to be added as "Todo", "Doing" or "Done".
    • If the task is in "Todo" status then it can be updated or we can say it is live.
    • Same for the "Doing" status also.
    • But, If the task is in "Done" status, then nothing can be changed or updated on that specific task.
  • Used JWT for authentication and authorization, also assigned iat and exp to the JWT token. Sended token to the header as x-auth-key.
  • Created a branch named Project/TodoList and followed all the naming convention in order to convey my work efficiently.

Phase I - User


  • User Model
   enterName : {string, mandatory},
   enterEmail : {string, mandatory, unique},
   password : {String, mandatory , minLen = 8 , maxLen = 15},
     createdAt: {timestamp},
     updatedAt: {timestamp}

User APIs

POST /signUp

  • Create a user document from request body. Request body must contain Name, email and password.
  • Save password in encrypted format. (used bcrypt library)
  • Response format
    • On success - Return HTTP status 201. Also return the user document. The response should be a JSON object like this
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this
    "status": true,
    "message": "User created successfully",
    "data": {
        "enterName": "John Doe",
        "enterEmail": "",
        "password": "$2b$10$DpOSGb0B7cT0f6L95RnpWO2P/AtEoE6OF9diIiAEP7QrTMaV29Kmm",
        "_id": "6162876abdcb70afeeaf9cf5",
        "createdAt": "2021-10-10T06:25:46.051Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-10-10T06:25:46.051Z",
        "__v": 0

POST /login

  • Allow an user to login only with their email and password.
  • They will receive an OTP (One Time Password), they need to enter that OTP in the next API call in order to get logged in successfully.
  • On a successful OTP sended note send the response message as shown below.
  • Response format
    • On success - Return HTTP status 200 and a message in response body. The response should be a JSON object like this
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this
    "status": true,
    "message": "OTP sent successfully",

POST /enterOtp

  • After receiving the OTP in mail id , users need to provide that OTP into the API request Body and then only they will able to login successfully.
  • On a successful login attempt return the userId and a JWT token contatining the userId, exp, iat.
  • Response format
    • On success - Return HTTP status 200 and JWT token in response body. The response should be a JSON object like this
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this
    "status": true,
    "message": "User login successfull",
    "data": {
        "userId": "6165f29cfe83625cf2c10a5c",
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2MTYyODc2YWJkY2I3MGFmZWVhZjljZjUiLCJpYXQiOjE2MzM4NDczNzYsImV4cCI6MTYzMzg4MzM3Nn0.PgcBPLLg4J01Hyin-zR6BCk7JHBY-RpuWMG_oIK7aV8"

Phase II - Board (Protected routes)


  • Board Model
    boardName : {String, mandatory, unique},
    userId : {ObjectId, ref to user's collection, mandatory},
    isDeleted : {Boolean, default : false},
    createdAt: {timestamp},
    updatedAt: {timestamp}

Boards API

POST /board/:userId

  • Create a board document from request body.
  • RequestBody must contain Board name.
  • Response format
    • On success - Return HTTP status 201. Also return the board document. The response should be a JSON object like this
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this

GET /board/:boardId

  • Returns Board details by Board id.
  • Response format
    • On success - Return HTTP status 200. Also return the board document. The response should be a JSON object like this
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this

PUT /board/:boardId

  • Returns updated Board details after updating the Board document.

  • Must check if the board exists or not (isDeleted : true/false),

  • Response format

    • On success - Return HTTP status 200. Also return the updated board document. The response should be a JSON object like this
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this

    DELETE /board/:boardId

    • Delete a board by board id if it's not already deleted
  • Response format

    • On success - Return HTTP status 204. It won't send anything to the response body.
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this

Phase III - Task


  • Task Model
    boardId : {ObjectId, refs to Board's collection, mandatory},
    task : {String, mandatory, unique},
    status : {String, default : "Todo"},
    isDeleted : {Boolean, default : false},
    createdAt: {timestamp},
    updatedAt: {timestamp}

Task API (Protected routes)

POST /board/:boardId/task

  • List down all the tasks according to your choice.
  • Must check if the board exists or not (isDeleted : true/false).
  • Status should be "Todo" at initial stage.
  • Response format
    • On success - Return HTTP status 201. Also return the newly created task document. The response should be a JSON object like this
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this
    "status": true,
    "message": "Task created successfully",
    "data": {
        "boardId": "Pending works",
        "task": "have to complete github commits",
        "status": "Todo",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "_id": "6162876abdcb70afeeaf9cf5",
        "createdAt": "2021-10-10T06:25:46.051Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-10-10T06:25:46.051Z",
        "__v": 0

GET /board/:boardId/task/:taskId

  • Returns Task details by task id.
  • Response format
    • On success - Return HTTP status 200. Also return the task document. The response should be a JSON object like this
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this

PUT /board/:boardId/task/:taskId

  • Returns updated task details after updating the task document.
  • Must check if the task exists or not (isDeleted : true/false),
  • Response format
    • On success - Return HTTP status 200. Also return the updated task document. The response should be a JSON object like this
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this

DELETE /board/:boardId/task/:taskId

  • Delete a task by task id if it's not already deleted
  • Response format
    • On success - Return HTTP status 204. It won't send anything to the response body.
    • On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this


Successful Response structure

  status: true,
  message: 'Success',
  data: {


Error Response structure

  status: false,
  message: ""