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zkSync Era Block Explorer API


zkSync Era Block Explorer API is a block explorer API for zkSync Era blockchain. The service provides API for retrieving structured zkSync Era blockchain data. It must be connected to the Block explorer Worker database.

There are 2 sets of endpoints the service provides. All the endpoints under /api/* are designed for external direct usage. These endpoints are similar to Etherscan API endpoints. The development of these endpoints is in progress, so more of them will be added soon. The other set of endpoints (other than /api/*) is designed to be used by the front-end App only and is not meant to be used externally. Once all the new /api/* endpoints are developed all the other endpoints (other than /api/*) will be deprecated and removed.


$ npm install

Setting up env variables

  • Create .env file in the api package folder and copy paste .env.example content in there.
cp .env.example .env
  • Set up env variables for Worker Postgres database connection. By default it points to postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/block-explorer. You need to have a running Worker database, for instructions on how to run the worker service see Block explorer Worker. Set the following env variables to point the service to your worker database:
    • DATABASE_REPLICA_URL_<<replica_index>>
  • Set CONTRACT_VERIFICATION_API_URL to your verification API URL. For zkSync Era testnet use For zkSync Era mainnet -

Running the app

# development
$ npm run dev

# watch mode
$ npm run dev:watch

# debug mode
$ npm run dev:debug

# production mode
$ npm run start


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# unit tests debug mode
$ npm run test:debug

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


Locally Swagger docs are available at http://localhost:3020/docs. JSON version - http://localhost:3020/docs-json.



Run npm run lint to make sure the code base follows configured linter rules.

Performance tests

There are number of artillery configs in /performance folder.

/performance/load-test.yaml is the load test config that contains requests to all API endpoints. It is used to simulate the number of concurrent users and to reach the desired API RPS.

Before running it, check if the config has desired phases and run it with the following command:

artillery run ./performance/load-test.yaml -e <name of the environment>

supported environments:

  • local

Feel free to add other API requests to the config if anything is missing. Keep in mind that performance tests may affect the running environment or/and any of its dependencies.

To output performance results to a file use next command:

artillery run ./performance/load-test.yaml -e testnet -o ./performance/29-06/testnet.json

for more command options check official artillery docs.

Production links