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DeepDream with TensorFlow/Keras Keypoint Detection with Detectron2 Image Captioning with KerasNLP Transformers and ConvNets
Semantic Segmentation with DeepLabV3+ in Keras Real-Time Object Detection from Videos with YOLOv5 Large-Scale Breast Cancer Classification

This course is meant to get you up and running with applying Deep Learning to Computer Vision. With illustrations and animations to break the monotony of text, the course is focused on demystifying and making DL for CV more approachable and actionable, primarily in the TensorFlow/Keras ecosystem.

What's Inside?

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Computer Vision

In the preface and Lesson 1 - you'll learn about the course and computer vision in general. What is computer vision and what isn't? What inspired the recent advances in computer vision? What are the general tasks, applications and tools?

Lesson 2 - Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks

In the second lesson - you'll dive into the crux of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs or ConvNets for short), and the theory behind them. You'll understand what convolutions are, how convolutional layers work, hyperparameters such as filter strides, padding and their effect on feature maps, pooling and fully-connected layers and how this landscape of components fits into the whole picture, as well as how these modular components can be re-used for other purposes.

Lesson 3 - Guided Project: Building Your First Convolutional Neural Network With Keras

Keras does a lot of heavy-lifting for us, and it allows us to map all of the concepts from Lesson 2 into this one in an intuitive, clean and simple way. Most resources start with pristine datasets, start at importing and finish at validation. There's much more to know.

Why was a class predicted? Where was the model wrong? What made it predict wrong? What was the model's attention on? What do the learned features look like? Can we separate them into distinct classes? How close are the features that make Class N to the feature that make Class M?

In this project, through a practical, hand-held approach, you'll learn about:

  • Co-occurrence and the source of co-occurrence bias in datasets
  • Finding, downloading datasets, and extracting data
  • Visualizing subsets of images
  • Data loading and preprocessing
  • Promises and perils of Data Augmentation and Keras' ImageDataGenerator class
  • Defining a custom CNN architecture
  • Implementing LRFinder with Keras and finding learning rates automatically
  • Evaluating a model's classification abilities
  • Interpreting a model's predictions and evaluating errors
  • What makes the network predict wrong
  • Interpreting a model's attention maps to identify what models actually learn with tf-keras-vis and GradCam++
  • Interpreting what the model's convolutional layers have learned through Principal Component Analysis and t-SNE
  • How similarity search engines find similar images

Building models is largely about evaluating why they're wrong - and we'll focus the second half of the project exactly to this and evaluate our model like a pro. Here's the "concept map" of the CNN we'll train in this project, created by t-SNE:

Lesson 4 - Overfitting Is Your Friend, Not Your Foe

In this lesson, you'll learn to re-evaluate common fallacies. Most see overfitting as an inherently bad thing. It's just a thing - and the way you look at it defines whether it's "bad" or "good".

A model and architecture that has the ability to overfit, is more likely to have the ability to generalize well to new instances, if you simplify it (and/or tweak the data).

Overfitting can be used as a sanity check to check whether you have a bug in your code, as a compression method (encoding information in the weights of a neural network), as well as a general check as to whether your model can fit the data well in principle, before going further.

Lesson 5 - Image Classification with Transfer Learning - Creating Cutting Edge CNN Models

New models are being released and benchmarked against community-accepted datasets frequently, and keeping up with all of them is getting harder.

Most of these models are open source, and you can implement them yourself as well.

This means that the average enthusiast can load in and play around with the cutting edge models in their home, on very average machines, not only to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the craft, but also to contribute to the scientific discourse and publish their own improvements whenever they're made.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to use pre-trained, cutting edge Deep Learning models for Image Classification and repurpose them for your own specific application. This way, you're leveraging their high performance, ingenious architectures and someone else's training time - while applying these models to your own domain!

It can't be overstated how powerful Transfer Learning is, and most don't give it the spotlight it really deserves. Transfer Learning is effectively the "magic pill" that makes deep learning on small datasets much more feasible, saves you time, energy and money and a fair bit of hair-pulling. You'll learn everything you need to know about:

  • Loading and adapting existing models with Keras
  • Preprocessing input for pre-trained models
  • Adding new classification tops to CNN bases
  • The TensorFlow Datasets project and creating Train/Test/Validation splits
  • Freezing layers fine-tuning models

Lesson 6 - Guided Project: Breast Cancer Classification

With the guiding principles and concepts in hand - we can try our luck at a very real problem, that takes real lives every year. In this lesson, we'll be diving into a hands-on project, from start to finish, contemplating what the challenge is, what the reward would be for solving it. Specifically, we'll be classifying benign and malignant Invasive Ductal Carcinoma from histopathology images. If you're unfamiliar with this terminology - no need to worry, it's covered in the guided project.

We'll start out by performing Domain Research, and getting familiar with the domain we're trying to solve a problem in. We'll then proceed with Exploratory Data Analysis, and begin the standard Machine Learning Workflow. For this guide, we'll both be building a CNN from scratch, as well as use pre-defined architectures (such as the EfficientNet family, or ResNet family). Once we benchmark the most promising baseline model - we'll perform hyperparameter tuning, and evaluate the model.

You'll learn how to:

  • Use glob and Python to work with file-system images
  • Work with Kaggle Datasets and download them to your local machine
  • Visualize patches of images as entire slides and work with large datasets (270k images)
  • How and when to handle class imbalance
  • How to choose metrics, when they might be misleading and how to implement your own metrics and loss functions with Keras
  • How to perform cost-sensitive learning with class weights to counter imbalance
  • How to use KerasTuner to tune Keras models

In the project, we'll be building a state of the art classifier for IDC, compared to the currently published papers in renowned journals:

Lesson 7 - Guided Project: Convolutional Neural Networks - Beyond Basic Architectures

You don't need to deeply understand an architecture to use it effectively in a product.

You can drive a car without knowing whether the engine has 4 or 8 cylinders and what the placement of the valves within the engine is. However - if you want to design and appreciate an engine (computer vision model), you'll want to go a bit deeper. Even if you don't want to spend time designing architectures and want to build products instead, which is what most want to do - you'll find important information in this lesson. You'll get to learn why using outdated architectures like VGGNet will hurt your product and performance, and why you should skip them if you're building anything modern, and you'll learn which architectures you can go to for solving practical problems and what the pros and cons are for each.

If you're looking to apply computer vision to your field, using the resources from this lesson - you'll be able to find the newest models, understand how they work and by which criteria you can compare them and make a decision on which to use.

I'll take you on a bit of time travel - going from 1998 to 2022, highlighting the defining architectures developed throughout the years, what made them unique, what their drawbacks are, and implement the notable ones from scratch. There's nothing better than having some dirt on your hands when it comes to these.

You don't have to Google for architectures and their implementations - they're typically very clearly explained in the papers, and frameworks like Keras make these implementations easier than ever. The key takeaway of this lesson is to teach you how to find, read, implement and understand architectures and papers. No resource in the world will be able to keep up with all of the newest developments. I've included the newest papers here - but in a few months, new ones will pop up, and that's inevitable. Knowing where to find credible implementations, compare them to papers and tweak them can give you the competitive edge required for many computer vision products you may want to build.

By the end - you'll have comprehensive and holistic knowledge of the "common wisdom" throughout the years, why design choices were made and what their overall influence was on the field. You'll learn how to use Keras' preprocessing layers, how KerasCV makes new augmentation accessible, how to compare performance (other than just accuracy) and what to consider if you want to design your own network.

In this lesson, you'll learn about:

  • Datasets for rapid testing
  • Optimizers, Learning Rates and Batch Sizes
  • Performance metrics
  • Where to find models
  • Theory and implementation of LeNet5
  • Theory and implementation of AlexNet
  • Theory and implementation of VGGNet
  • Inception family of models
  • Theory and implementation of the ResNet Family
  • "Bag of Tricks for CNNs" - the linear scaling rule, learning rate warmup, ResNet variants
  • Theory and implementation of Xception
  • Theory and implementation of DenseNet
  • MobileNet
  • NASNet
  • EfficientNet
  • ConvNeXt

Lesson 8 - Working with KerasCV

The landscape of tools and libraries is always changing. KerasCV is the latest horizontal addition to Keras, aimed at making Computer Vision models easier, by providing new metrics, loss functions, preprocessing layers, visualization and explainability tools, etc. into native Keras objects.

The library is still under construction as of writing! Yet - it's functional, and you'll want to get used to it as soon as you can. You might even help with the development by being a part of the open source community and submit questions, suggestions and your own implementations to the project.

In this lesson - we'll be training a model with new preprocessing and augmentation layers, covering RandAug, MixUp and CutMix.

Lesson 9 - Object Detection and Segmentation - R-CNNs, RetinaNet, SSD, YOLO

Object detection is a large field in computer vision, and one of the more important applications of computer vision "in the wild". On one end, it can be used to build autonomous systems that navigate agents through environments - be it robots performing tasks or self-driving cars.

Naturally - for both of these applications, more than just computer vision is going on. Robotics is oftentimes coupled with Reinforcement Learning (training agents to act within environments), and if you want to give it tasks using natural language, NLP would be required to convert your words into meaningful representations for them to act on.

However, anomaly detection (such as defective products on a line), locating objects within images, facial detection and various other applications of object detection can be done without intersecting other fields.

Object Detection is... messy and large.

The internet is riddled with contradicting statements, confusing explanations, proprietary undocummented code and high-level explanations that don't really touch the heart of things. Object detection isn't as straightforward as image classfication. Some of the difficulties include:

  • Various approaches: There are many approaches to perform object detection, while image classification boils down to a similar approach in pretty much all cases.
  • Real-time performance: Performing object detection should oftentimes be in real-time. While not all appliactions require real-time performance, many do, and this makes it even harder. While networks like MobileNet are fast, they suffer in accuracy.
  • Devices: The speed-accuracy tradeoff is extremely important for object detection, and you might not be able to know on which devices it'll run on, as well as the processing units that will be running them.
  • Libraries and implementations: Object detection is less standardized than image classfication, so you'll have a harder time finding compatible implementations that you can just "plug and play".
  • Formats: Labels for classification are simple - typically a number. For detection - will you be using COCO JSON, YOLO-format, Pascal VOC-format, TensorFlow Detection CSV, TFRecords? Some are in XML, while others are in JSON, Text, CSV or proprietary formats.
  • Utilities: With classification - you just spit out a number. With detection - you're typically expected to draw a bounding box, plot the label and make it look at least somewhat pretty. This is more difficult than it sounds.

In this lesson, you'll learn:

  • Two-stage object detection architectures such as R-CNN, Fast R-CNN and Faster R-CNN
  • One-stage object detection architectures such as SSD, YOLO and RetinaNet
  • The difference between SSD and YOLO
  • Several examples of object detection, instance segmentation, keypoint detection or overviews of PyTorch's torchvision, Ultralytic's YOLOv5, TFDetection, Detectron2, Matterport's Mask R-CNN
  • Object detection metrics

Lesson 10 - Guided Project: Real-Time Road Sign Detection with YOLOv5

Building on the knowledge from the previous lesson - we'll make use of the most popular and widely used project in the industry, and utilize YOLOv5 to build a real-time road sign detection model, that works on videos. In this project, you'll learn about:

  • Ultralytic's YOLOv5, sizes, configurations, export options, freezing and transfer learning
  • Training on Roboflow Datasets and using Roboflow
  • Data Collection, Labelling and Preprocessing
  • Tips on labelling data for object detection
  • Training a YOLOv5 detector on custom data
  • Deploying a YOLOv5 Model to Flask and preparing for deployment for Android and iOS

Lesson 11 - Guided Project: Image Captioning with CNNs and Transformers

In 1974, Ray Kurzweil's company developed the "Kurzweil Reading Machine" - an omni-font OCR machine used to read text out loud. This machine was meant for the blind, who couldn't read visually, but who could now enjoy entire books being read to them without laborious conversion to braille. It opened doors that were closed for many for a long time. Though, what about images?

While giving a diagnosis from X-ray images, doctors also typically document findings such as:

"The lungs are clear. The heart and pulmonary are normal. Mediastinal contours are normal. Pleural spaces are clear. No acute cardiopulmonary disease."

Websites that catalog images and offer search capabilities can benefit from extracting captions of images and comparing their similarity to the search query. Virtual assistants could parse images as additional input to understand a user's intentions before providing an answer.

In a sense - Image Captioning can be used to explain vision models and their findings.

So, how do we frame image captioning? Most consider it an example of generative deep learning, because we're teaching a network to generate descriptions. However, I like to look at it as an instance of neural machine translation - we're translating the visual features of an image into words. Through translation, we're generating a new representation of that image, rather than just generating new meaning. Viewing it as translation, and only by extension generation, scopes the task in a different light, and makes it a bit more intuitive.

Framing the problem as one of translation makes it easier to figure out which architecture we'll want to use. Encoder-only Transformers are great at understanding text (sentiment analysis, classification, etc.) because Encoders encode meaningful representations. Decoder-only models are great for generation (such as GPT-3), since decoders are able to infer meaningful representations into another sequence with the same meaning. Translation is typically done by an encoder-decoder architecture, where encoders encode a meaningful representation of a sentence (or image, in our case) and decoders learn to turn this sequence into another meaningful representation that's more interpretable for us (such as a sentence).

In this guided project - you'll learn how to build an image captioning model, which accepts an image as input and produces a textual caption as the output.

Throughout the process, you'll learn about:

  • KerasNLP - a Natural Language Processing parallel of KerasCV

  • The Transformer architecture, as compared to RNNs, token and position embedding, and using Transformer encoders and decoders

  • Perplexity and BLEU Scoring

  • Preprocessing and cleaning text

  • Vectorizing text input easily

  • Working with the API to build performant Datasets

  • Building Transformers from scratch with TensorFlow/Keras and KerasNLP - the official horizontal addition to Keras for building state-of-the-art NLP models

  • Building an image captioning hybrid model

Lesson 12 - Guided Project: DeepLabV3+ Semantic Segmentation with Keras

Semantic segmentation is the process of segmenting an image into classes - effectively, performing pixel-level classification. Color edges don't necessarily have to be the boundaries of an object, and pixel-level classification only works when you take the surrounding pixels and their context into consideration.

In this Guided Project, you'll learn how to build an end-to-end image segmentation model, based on the DeepLabV3+ architecture and cover:

  • Semantic segmentation architectures
  • Implement U-Net with Keras
  • Atrous convolutions and the Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling Module
  • The Albumentations library and augmenting semenatic segmentation maps with images
  • Creating semantic segmentation datasets with masks as labels
  • Implementation of the DeepLabV3+ architecture with Keras
  • Segmentation metrics and loss functions

Lesson 13 - DeepDream - Neural Networks That Hallucinate?

Hierarchical abstraction appears to be what our brains do, with increasing support in the field of Neuroscience. While some protest drawing lines between the computation the brain does and silicone computing found in computers, some support the parallels, such as Dana H. Ballard in his book "Brain Computation as Hierarchical Abstraction", who works as a Computer Science professor at the University of Texas, with ties to Psychology, Neuroscience and the Center for Perceptual Systems.

Inspired by hierarchical abstraction of the visual cortex, CNNs are hierarchical, and hierarchical abstraction is what allows them to do what they do. Exploiting exactly this property is what allows us to create a really fun (and practical) algorithm, and the focus of this lesson. It's called DeepDream, because we associate odd, almost-there-but-not-there visuals with dreams, and the images are induced by a deep convolutional neural network.

In this lesson, you'll learn about the DeepDream algorithm, with gaussian gradient smoothing, and learn to create images such as:

Lesson 14 - Optimizing Deep Learning Models for Computer Vision

Are you making your model design run efficiently? If so - are you optimizing for training speed, inference speed, parameter efficiency or VRAM efficiency? Is your training data pipeline optimized? How about your deployment model?

This lesson will serve as more of a checklist to make sure your models aren't using more compute than they need to. Did you know that with a few changed lines, you can make your TensorFlow/Keras models use 91% less parameters and experience a 61% reduction in training times as well as a 57% reduction in inference times?

Just changing small decisions in the model definition or the training loop, you can really squeeze out a lot more out of your models:

Naive Pooling Separable Separable+JIT Separable+JIT+AMP Separable+JIT+AMP+Fusing
Parameters 7,476,742 5,873,478 679,137 679,137 679,137 679,137
Accuracy 82% 65% 74% 76% 74% 79%
Train time/epoch 171s 164s 250s 89s 67s 66s
Inference time/step (ms) 52ms/step 51ms/step 36ms/step 19ms/step 22ms/step 22ms/step
If you aren't taking advantage of *XLA with Just in Time (JIT)* compilation, step fusing, mixed-precision training, depthwise separable convolutions and pooling instead of flattening - this lesson will turbocharge your model development.

Besides that - learn more about effective data pipelines with the API and model deployment optimization with the Pruning API, Weight Clustering API, Quantization API and Collaborative Optimization, which oftentimes produce up to 10x smaller models with the same performance as the originals.

Who This Course is For?

This course is dedicated to everyone with a basic understanding of machine learning and deep learning, to orient themselves towards or initially step into computer vision - an exciting field in which deep learning has been making strides recently. The course will primarily be using Keras - the official high-level API for TensorFlow, with some PyTorch in later lessons.

While prerequisite knowledge of Keras isn't strictly required, it will undoubtedly help. I won't be explaining what an activation function is, how cross-entropy works or what weights and biases are. There are amazing resources covering these topics, ranging from free blogs to paid books - and covering these topics would inherently steer the focus of the course in a different direction than it's intended to be set in. The course is written to be beginner-friendly, with layers to be extracted through multiple reads. Not everything is likely to "stick" after the first read, so intermediate users will find useful information on critical thinking, advanced techniques, new tools (many are covered and used interchangeably instead of reusing the same pipeline), and optimization techniques. The last chapter covers how we can achieve a 90% reduction in parameter count, and 50% reduction in training times, while maintaining the same accuracy as the baseline model, for example.

While writing the course, I've focused on covering both the technical, intuitive and practical side of concepts, demystifying them and making them approachable.

The name of the course starts with "Practical...". Many think that this mainly means having lots and lots of code and not much theory. Skipping important theory of application leads to bad science and bad models for production. Throughout the course, I'll be detouring to cover various techniques, tools and concepts and then implement them practically. It's my humble opinion that practicality requires an explained basis, as to why you're practically doing something and how it can help you. I tried making the course practical with a focus on making you able to implement things practically. This includes a lot of breaks in which we ask ourselves "Ok, but why?" after code samples.

Things don't always work - you should know why you're trying them out. I want this course to not only teach you the techical side of Computer Vision, but also how to be a Computer Vision engineer.

For the Researcher:

I hope that this effort pays off in the sense that professionals coming from different fields don't struggle with finding their way through the landscape of deep learning in the context of computer vision, and can apply the correct methodologies required for reproducible scientific rigor. In my time navigating research papers - there are clear issues with applying deep learning to solve current problems. From leaking testing data into training data, to incorrectly applying transfer learning, to misusing the backbone architectures and preventing them to work well, to utilizing old and deprecated technologies that are objectively out of date - modern research could significantly be improved by providing a guiding hand that helps researchers navigate the landscape and avoid common pitfalls. These mistakes are understandable. Re-orienting from a lifetime of life sciences to applying computer vision to a problem you're passionate about is difficult. Addressing this requires building resources that equip researchers with the required know-how to shine in computer vision as much as they shine in their respective fields. This course tries to do exactly that.

For the Software Engineer:

I used to be a software engineer before diving into machine and deep learning. It's a vastly different experience. Many call deep learning "Software 2.0" - a term coined by Andrej Karpathy, one of the major names in deep learning and computer vision. While some raise disputes about the naming convention - the fact of the matter is that it's fundamentally different than what a classical software engineer is used to. Software is about precisely writing down a sequence of steps for a machine to take to achieve a goal. This is both the beauty and bane of software - if it works, it works exactly and only because you wrote it to work. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work exactly and only because you wrote it to not work (usually accidentally). With Software 2.0, instead of explicitly writing instructions, we write the container for those instructions, and let it figure out a way to reach some desired behavior.

At many junctions and problems I tried to solve using software, it was extremely difficult to come up with instructions, and for some problems, it was downright impossible. Imbuing software with machine and deep learning models allows our solutions to problems to also include something extra - something that's beyond our own expertise. When I wanted to help solve an unrealistic bubble in the real estate market by providing accurate appraisals free of charge for all users of the website - I knew that I would never be able to code the rules of what makes the price of some real estate. It was both beyond my expertise, and beyond my physical capabilities. In the end, I built a machine learning system that outperformed local agencies in appraisals and imbued my software with this ability. As a software engineer - you can empower your code with machine and deep learning.

For the Student:

Every fresh graduate that lands an internship gets to realize the gap between traditional academic knowledge and production code. It's usually a process in which you get hit with a hard case of an impostor syndrome, fear and self-doubt. While these feelings are unnecessary, they're understandable, as you're suddenly surrounded by a wall of proprietary solutions, frameworks and tools nobody told you about before and nuanced uses of paradigms you might be familiar with. Thankfully, this state is easily dispelled through practice, mentorship and simply getting familiar with the tools, in most cases. I hope that this course helps you get ahold of the reins in the deep learning ecosystem for computer vision, covering various tools, utilities, repositories and ideas that you can keep in the back of your head. Keep at it, slow and steady. Incremental improvement is an amazing thing!

For the Data Enthusiast:

You don't have to be a professional, or even a professional in training, to appreciate data and hierarchical abstraction. Python is a high-level programming language, and easy to get a hold of even if you haven't worked with it before. Without any experience in computer science, software engineering, mathematics or data science, the road will definitely be more difficult, though. Many issues you might run into won't necessarily be tied to the language or ecosystem itself - setting up a development environment, handling versions of dependencies, finding fixes for issues, etc. are more likely to be a show stopper for you than learning the syntax of a for loop. For example, debugging is natural for software engineers, but is commonly being put off by practitioners who step into ML/DL without an SE background.

Even so, delegating your environment to free online machines (such as Google Colab or Kaggle) removes a lot of the issues associated with your local environment! They're useful for novices as much as for advanced practicioners. They offer free and paid versions, and really helped make both research and sharing results much easier, especially for those without an SE background.

You might also be a philosopher or ethicist looking to break into data or AI ethics. This is an important and growing field. Computer vision systems (as have other machine learning systems) have faced their criticisms in the past in regards to ethically questionable biases. Only when we realize that we have problems can we start fixing them - and we need more people assessing the work of data scientists and helping to root out bias. Having a surface-level understanding of these systems might be sufficient for some analysis - but having a more in-depth understanding (even if you don't intend on building some yourself) can help you assess systems and aid in improving them.

Yet Another Computer Vision Course?

We won't be doing classification of MNIST digits or MNIST fashion. They served their part a long time ago. Too many learning resources are focusing on basic datasets and basic architectures before letting advanced black-box architectures shoulder the burden of performance.

We want to focus on demystification, practicality, understanding, intuition and real projects. Want to learn how you can make a difference? We'll take you on a ride from the way our brains process images to writing a research-grade deep learning classifier for breast cancer to deep learning networks that "hallucinate", teaching you the principles and theory through practical work, equipping you with the know-how and tools to become an expert at applying deep learning to solve computer vision.

How the Course is Structured

The course is structured through Guides and Guided Projects.

Guides serve as an introduction to a topic, such as the following introduction and guide to Convolutional Neural Networks, and assume no prior knowledge in the narrow field.

Guided Projects are self-contained and serve to bridge the gap between the cleanly formatted theory and practice and put you knee-deep into the burning problems and questions in the field. With Guided Projects, we presume only the knowledge of the narrower field that you could gain from following the lessons in the course. You can also enroll into Guided Projects as individual mini-courses, though, you gain access to all relevant Guided Projects by enrolling into this course.

Once we've finished reviewing how they're built, we'll assess why we'd want to build them. Theory is theory and practice is practice. Any theory will necessarily be a bit behind the curve - it takes time to produce resources like books and courses, and it's not easy to "just update them".

Guided Projects are our attempt at making our courses stay relevant through the years of research and advancement. Theory doesn't change as fast. The application of that theory does.

In the first lessons, we'll jump into Convolutional Neural Networks - how they work, what they're made of and how to build them, followed by an overview of some of the modern architectures. This is quickly followed by a real project with imperfect data, a lesson on critical thinking, important techniques and further projects.