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DPG Standard Questionary

This document contains the set of questions that are collected in the application form at and used to assess each of the indicators set forth in the DPG Standard.


About your digital solution. Please ensure that your details and code are available in English so that our reviewer team can assess the application properly.

Solution name
Please enter the full name of your digital solution. This will be listed on the registry if your application is accepted.

Aliases (if any)
Please mention any acronyms or aliases used to refer to your digital solution. Use commas to enter multiple names.

Solution category
Please select one or more of the four categories that your digital solutions belong to (Most solutions belong to only one category)

  • Open Software
  • Open Content
  • Open Data
  • Open AI Model

Short description
Please write a tweet-length description of the solution. If your application is approved, this will be reflected on the public DPG registry.

Please provide link(s) to the website or webpage of your digital solution.

Alternate email address
Please provide us with an alternate email address (separate from the one used to register on this app). This will give us an additional way to contact you in case emails to the registered email address bounce back.

Where is your solution's source hosted?
Please provide link(s) to access the source for your code, data, content or AI model. This could be an open repository, API, library etc.

Indicator: Description: DPG Standard Assessment Questions:
1. SDG Relevance Your digital solution must demonstrate relevance to one or more Sustainable Development Goals
  • Which SDGs is your solution relevant to?*
    Select SDG/s that are MOST relevant to your solution from the list below.
  • How is your solution relevant to each SDG you’ve selected above?*
    Each SDG has detailed targets that you can learn more about at the SDG tracker . State in a couple of sentences the relationship between your solution and selected SDG(s)’s targets. If you have selected more than one, you will have to establish the relationship for each of them.
2. Open Licensing Your digital solution must use an approved open license.
  • Which open license(s) is/are used by your solution?
    Please refer here for the list of approved open licenses accepted. (If you do not currently use one of the approved licenses, your solution cannot be approved as a DPG)
  • Provide evidence of use of the selected open license(s).*
    Please provide link(s) to public pages where the license(s) selected above are hosted for this project. This could be a license file in GitHub repository or a public URL on the project website.
3. Clear Ownership The organisation that owns this digital solution must be clearly defined.
  • Who owns this digital solution?*
    If there is no formal organization associated with the solution, please enter names of the people who own this solution.
  • Provide evidence(s) of ownership.*
    Please provide link(s) to the copyright, trademarks, or publicly available ownership documentation for the digital solutions. It could be a webpage that clearly defines who owns the digital solution. Terms of Service may also indicate the ownership of the digital solutions. Additional legal documentation that provides supporting information will strengthen your application. Digital solutions owned by a parent organisation, could highlight the digital solutions on their website to strengthen the application.
  • Do you own all of the content and/or data in this collection?*
    For content collections and data sets, please indicate whether all of the content/data included in the collection are owned/licensed by the owner indicated above. This is a yes or no question.
  • [If No] Do you have the right to re-distribute this data/content?*
    Provide evidence to demonstrate the right to reproduce and/or distribute all of the content or data sets included in the collection. Acceptable evidence includes licensing agreements for copyright work or evidence of public domain for copyright-free work.
4. Platform Independence If your digital solution has any mandatory dependencies that create more restrictions than the original license, then there should be open alternatives so that such dependencies can be replaced with the alternatives without making significant changes to the core digital solution.
  • Does this solution use any closed components that create proprietary dependency?*
    Yes or No. You will be required to answer the next question if you select Yes.
  • How can these closed component(s) be replaced with open alternative(s)?
    Please provide a list of the active open alternatives for the closed component(s) and demonstrate that these close component(s) can be replaced with those open alternatives with minimal configuration changes, without requiring a major overhaul of the entire system. This requirement can be best answered by a technical member of your team. Leave this blank if the above answer is No.
5. Documentation Your digital solution must have strong documentation. The documentation should allow a technical person unfamiliar with the solution to launch and run the digital solution themselves.
  • Where is your solution’s documentation?*
    Please summarize how and where the solution is documented along with link(s) to all relevant documents. For software solutions, documentation could include an open repo, technical specifications, functional requirements, etc. For data sets or solutions, documentation could describe all the fields in the set, and provide context on how the data was collected and how it should be interpreted. For content, documentation could include relevant compatible apps, software, hardware required to access the content and any instructions on how to use it. For more details on documentation best practices, please visit this link
6. Non-PII Data Extraction If your solution collects or uses non-PII data and/or content, then there must be mechanisms for extracting or importing non-PII data from or into the system in a non-proprietary format.
  • Does your solution collects or uses non-PII data and/or content?*
    Yes or No. You will be required to answer the next question only if you collect or use non-PII data and/or content.
  • Describe the mechanism for extracting or importing non-PII data from or into the system in a non-proprietary format.
    Please provide a detailed description of how the non-PII data can be imported or exported into non-proprietary formats such as CSV/XML/JSON etc or via exposing the non-PII data through APIs.
Note that requirements related to indicators 7-9 can only be answered by someone authorized to speak on behalf of the project.
7. Privacy & Applicable Laws Your digital solution must comply with relevant privacy, domestic and other applicable international laws.
  • Provide a list of relevant privacy, domestic and other applicable international laws your solution complies with.*
    Please enter a list of the relevant laws that your digital solutions complies with such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Indian IT Act, Persons with Disabilities Act 2020, Canadian Disabilities Act, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, etc.
  • Provide evidence(s) of adherence with the laws mentioned above.*
    Please provide link(s) to the privacy policy, terms of service or other relevant legal documentation as demonstrate adherence
8. Open Standards & Best Practices Your digital solution must comply with relevant standards, best practices and/or principles.
  • Provide a list of the open standards your solution adheres to and demonstrate adherence.*
    You may provide link(s) to a validator, open test suite, etc to demonstrate adherence. Here is a list of open standards that you may find helpful.
  • Provide a list of best practices & principles your solution adheres to and demonstrate adherence.*
    You may provide link(s) to a validator, open test suite, etc to demonstrate adherence. Here is a list of best practices that you may find helpful.
9 A. Data Privacy & Security If your digital solution allows implementors to collect, store and/or distribute PII data (personally identifiable information), then you must demonstrate how the privacy, security and integrity of this data can be ensured
  • Does your solution allow the collection / storage / distribution of PII data?*
    Please select the option that is applicable to your solution.
    PII data can NOT be collected NOT stored and NOT distributed.
    PII data can be collected but NOT stored and NOT distributed.
    PII data can be collected and stored but NOT distributed.
    PII data can be collected and stored and distributed.
  • What are the types of data that are collected / stored / distributed?
    Please list the types of PII data. Example: Name, Email, etc.
  • How does your solution ensure data privacy & security?
    Please demonstrate how the solution can ensure the privacy, security and integrity of PII data and the steps taken to prevent adverse impacts resulting from its collection, storage and distribution.
9 B. Inappropriate & Illegal Content If your digital solution collects, stores and distributes content, then you must have policies identifying inappropriate and illegal content such as child sexual abuse materials in addition to processes for detecting, moderating, reporting and removing inappropriate/ illegal content.
  • Does your solution collect / store / distribute content?*
    Please select the option that is applicable for your solution.
    Content is NOT collected NOT stored and NOT distributed.
    Content is collected but NOT stored and NOT distributed.
    Content is collected and stored but NOT distributed.
    Content is collected and stored and distributed.
  • What are the types of content that is collected / stored / distributed?
    Please list the types of content.
  • How does your solution handles inappropriate and illegal content?
    Please describe (1) the policies for identifying inappropriate and illegal content and (2) the processes for detecting, moderating, reporting and removing inappropriate / illegal content. Please include the average response time for assessment and/or action.
9 C. Protection from Harassment If your digital solution facilitates interactions with or between users or contributors there must be a process for users and contributors to protect themselves against grief, abuse, and harassment. The project must have system(s) to address the safety and security of underage users
  • Does your solution facilitate interactions with or between users and/or contributors?*
    Yes or No. Please select the option that is applicable for your solution. You will be required to answer the next question if you select Yes.
  • How does your solution enables users and contributors to protect themselves from harassment?
    Please describe (1) policies such as a code of conduct and processes users and contributors can use to protect themselves and (2) processes that addresses the safety and security of underage users.

Scale of Solution:
Additional information highlighting the extent and scale of your solution's implementation and success.

  • Where was this solution developed?*: Please select one or more countries.
  • Where is this solution actively deployed?*: Please select one or more countries.
  • Are there any multi-lateral organisations using your solution?: Please select from the options below.
  • Are there any governments departments and/or ministries using your solution?: Please enter a list country governments, ministries, public bodies that have adopted your solution.
  • Who else is using your solution?: Please enter any other organization or body not covered in above questions that have adopted your solution
  • Has your solution received any awards and/or recognition in the last one year?: Please enter a list of awards and/or recognition recieved along with the awarding organisation, award title and a link to a certificate or document or image that verifies your claim for each.