For documentation on sample behaviors included in this package please see the BehaviorTree.CPP ROS 2 Integration documentation. Documentation of the derived class methods can methods for each ROS interface type can be found here.
Documentation on the TreeExecutionServer used in this example can be found here.
To start the sample Execution Server that load a list of plugins and BehaviorTrees from yaml
ros2 launch btcpp_ros2_samples sample_bt_executor.launch.xml
NOTE: For documentation on the
parameters please see
As the Server starts up it will print out the name of the ROS Action followed by the plugins and BehaviorTrees it was able to load.
[bt_action_server]: Starting Action Server: behavior_server
[bt_action_server]: Loaded Plugin:
[bt_action_server]: Loaded Plugin:
[bt_action_server]: Loaded Plugin:
[bt_action_server]: Loaded Plugin:
[bt_action_server]: Loaded BehaviorTree: door_closed.xml
[bt_action_server]: Loaded BehaviorTree: cross_door.xml
To call the Action Server from the command line:
ros2 action send_goal /behavior_server btcpp_ros2_interfaces/action/ExecuteTree "{target_tree: CrossDoor}"
You can also try a Behavior that is a ROS Action or Service client itself.
ros2 action send_goal /behavior_server btcpp_ros2_interfaces/action/ExecuteTree "{target_tree: SleepActionSample}"