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Rom Walton edited this page Feb 5, 2015 · 3 revisions

Style Sheets

The overall look of a project web site can be controlled by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
The project administrator can select the CSS file which is used to format each web page by a setting like

define("STYLESHEET", "white.css");

in the file html/project/

Three style themes are currently available: white.css, black.css, and style2.css. It is easy to create your own by copying one of these three and editing.

Style Classes

The list below will describe classes used in BOINC Project pages, to make it easier for a project to make custom adjustments.


text-muted:: additional information that is not very important (formerly: note) text-info:: additional information that is important for the volunteer (formerly: description) text-danger:: error or warning messages (formerly: error) td.heading:: DEPRECATED, please use a th tag for table headers btn btn-default:: use these two as default classes for buttons (input elements you can click on) btn-primary, btn-success, btn-info, btn-warning, btn-danger:: use on of these instead of btn-default to give this button a different style depending on the context


authorcol The column showing information about the originator of forum posts. This column typically has an avatar and the alias of the person who made a post. forum_toplinks The table row at the top of forum pages showing actions that can be performed on the current page postheader The header of a forum post - typically a table cell with info about when the post was made and links providing moderators with actions postbody The body of a forum post - contains the actual post text postfooter The footer field of a post - has links to reply etc. postseperator The space between two posts in the thread display helpdeskseperator The space between the first post and followups in the helpdesk display mode

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