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API for Skywire apps

Type of apps

Skywire apps can be used in two ways.

  1. As a Skywire Visor App
  2. As an External App

Skywire Visor App

A skywire visor app is started, stopped, monitored and controlled via the skywire visor. The app is controlled via the interface Proc which requires a PROC_CONFIG env variable that the app reads to get the required info to connect to the visor via RPC. Example app

External App

An external app is used as a stand alone binary which is build to run on it's own and connects to the visor via a RPC connection just like a skywire visor app but we have to manually configure it in the skywire visor. For that we have to register the app via the cli skywire-cli visor app register -a <app-name> and receive a Proc Key that needs to be passed to the External app so that it can create a RPC connection with the skywire visor. Example app


App client

In order to create a connection between the visor and the skywire/external app we use

For skywire visor app use

// NewClient creates a new Client, panicking on any error.
func NewClient(eventSubs *appevent.Subscriber) *Client {
	log := logrus.New()

	conf, err := appcommon.ProcConfigFromEnv()
	if err != nil {
		if procAddr == nil && procKey == nil {
			log.WithError(err).Fatal("Failed to obtain proc config.")
		log.WithError(err).Warn("Failed to obtain proc config.")
		conf.ProcKey = appcommon.ProcKey{}
		conf.AppSrvAddr = *procAddr
		conf.ProcKey = *procKey
	client, err := NewClientFromConfig(log, conf, eventSubs)
	if err != nil {
		log.WithError(err).Panic("Failed to create app client.")
	return client

from Package app pkg/app/client.go The params are

  • eventSubs *appevent.Subscriber If the app needs a event subscriber then it can be created or else it can be passed as nil
    // NewSubscriber returns a new Subscriber struct.
    func NewSubscriber() *Subscriber {
        return &Subscriber{
            chanSize: subChanSize,
            m:        make(map[string]chan *Event),
            closed:   false,
    from Package appevent pkg/app/appevent/subscriber.go Event subscriber has methods such as
    • OnTCPDial OnTCPDial subscribes to the OnTCPDial event channel (if not already). And triggers the contained action func on each subsequent event.
    • OnTCPClose OnTCPClose subscribes to the OnTCPClose event channel (if not already). And triggers the contained action func on each subsequent event.
    • Subscriptions Subscriptions returns a map of all subscribed event types.
    • Count Count returns the number of subscriptions.
    • PushEvent PushEvent pushes an event to the relevant subscription channel.
    • Close Close implements io.Closer

For external app use

// NewClientFromConfig creates a new client from a given proc config.
func NewClientFromConfig(log logrus.FieldLogger, conf appcommon.ProcConfig, subs *appevent.Subscriber) (*Client, error) {
	conn, closers, err := appevent.DoReqHandshake(conf, subs)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Client{
		log:     log,
		conf:    conf,
		rpcC:    appserver.NewRPCIngressClient(rpc.NewClient(conn), conf.ProcKey),
		lm:      idmanager.New(),
		cm:      idmanager.New(),
		closers: closers,
	}, nil

from Package app pkg/app/client.go The params are

  • log logrus.FieldLogger Pass a new logger with log := logrus.New()
  • conf appcommon.ProcConfig We create a basic Proc Config with
    	procConfig := appcommon.ProcConfig{
            AppSrvAddr: *procAddr,
            ProcKey:    pKey,
    and pass it
    • procAddr This is required and can be read form a flag in the app. This address is set in the visor config under launcher/server_addr. The app needs this to create a connection to the visor.
    • procKey *appcommon.ProcKey This is required and can be read form a flag in the app. The app needs to be registered to the visor first so that a RPC gateway will await for a connection from the app. The key is also needed for the initial handshake between the app and the visor. We get this with skywire-cli visor app register -a <app-name>
  • subs *appevent.Subscriber Same as eventSubs from skywire visor app

App client methods

The app client has the following methods.

  • Config Config returns the underlying proc config.
  • SetDetailedStatus SetDetailedStatus sets detailed app status within the visor.
  • SetConnectionDuration SetConnectionDuration sets the detailed app connection duration within the visor.
  • SetError SetError sets app error within the visor.
  • Dial Dial dials the remote visor using remote. It accepts the param appnet.Addr which contains
    type Addr struct {
        Net    Type
        PubKey cipher.PubKey
        Port   routing.Port
    the type of network to use (dmsg or skynet), the public key of the remote visor and the dmsg or skynet port to connect to on the remote visor. It returns a conn net.Conn that can be used to read and write to the connected dmsg/skynet app on the remote visor.
  • Listen Listen listens on the specified port for the incoming connections.
  • Close Close closes client/server communication entirely. It closes all open listeners and connections.


  • Skywire visor app For a skywire visor app all info logs should be logged with fmt.Printf() which writes to os.Stdout and errors with print() which writes to os.Stderr. This keeps the app logs clean as they are read byt the visor and displayed alongside visor logs.
  • External app Any type of logging can be used.